
anyone else get the feeling this is the administration trying to punish students for speaking up, and disguise it as giving them what they want? cuz that's what it reeks of to me.

Oh for fucks sake. Don't do the false equivalency thing. One side opposes domestic violence. The other side dispenses DV apologia. One side is objectively better.

Women are 100% equal to men physically. She should have just fought better!

When a man is attacking a woman, she cannot just simply push him and walk away. When a woman is attacking a man (provided it's not with a deadly weapon or something) a man can (in almost all cases) push her away and leave. Just simply walk or run away, call the cops without ever hitting her. That's the difference. A

It gets to a point where the pain is your entire world. The positive things in your life just mean absolutely nothing in the face of this ceaseless buzzing in your head about how you're just a shit person, and you'll never be worth anything, and you will never not feel like you're dying. Given the choice between

He had just had the shit beaten out of him by someone whose entire job is beating the shit out of people. Why are you assuming he didn't "really care" when he's in the hospital right next to her? The guy's got potentially permanent injuries, and you're yelling about how he didn't help?

The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

I always felt "craziest one in the room" is an under valued defense mechanism. Maybe it takes a certain degree of misanthropy to have one of those moments where you say or do something that makes people back away from you and think "wait, I can use this..."

When my mom worked for B&N she had a coworker, Nan? who'd had some kind of legit mental issues earlier in life that resulted in her carrying around a puppet companion that she treated like a person. She was a ventriloquist, so the puppet did talk "independently" and he would interact with coworkers and customers

How old is this person? If he is over 18 can he even attend the school if he is listed as a offender? Isn't that against the law?

CNN will be glad to hear that his life was not, in fact, ruined.

That's how you teach good citizenship, leadership, and decency to young people. [/sarcasm]

Truth. Just look at all the backlash Jessica Valenti got for asking a very simple, straightforward question about tampons! That was literally a simple request for information and she got so much shit for it.

IP address are NOT like a normal house address. For the average user, IP address change all the time, usually daily. Even then, there are numerous workarounds for altering/changing/spoofing IP addresses. IP bans are not a panacea to cure unwanted commenter.

The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.

I understand where you're coming from, but for activities like that I feel like an individual church should be able to register as a 501c or similar tax-exempt charity, rather than the blanket "have worship, no tax" system we've got going now. I don't know that there's any other way to sort out small locations of

JustAwful is a troll. Don't feel obligated to engage if you don't feel like it. Just dismiss.

Churches should be protested much more often. They don't pay taxes and ABSOLUTELY SHOULD.

The troll wins. I'm done with this site; it's not worth risking my job for.

I think she's had a small stroke. Honestly, it's hard to tell. How do you know for sure when Bleu cheese has gone bad?