
That's really what MRA's are about in my experience. Teen boys (or those with the minds of teen boys) who are angry and looking for attention. "Lemme say the meanest, most disrespectful, nastiest thing I can and see who gets upset. Oh, and let's make sure the whole thing ends up about me."

Citation for Valenti going "on a long-winded and hateful rant about how all acts of heterosexual sex are rape."

I've been reading her stuff for a decade now. I have never seen that. And I think her husband would probably be surprised to know about it.

Well this is what happens when you merely hint at the notion that women's burdens be alleviated in ANY SMALL WAY. Shoulda known better...

Considering the Russian "rebels" in Ukraine were actively shooting down Ukrainian cargo planes, it's a bit of a stretch to think that Ukraine were attempting to shoot down one of their own planes.

Sandra Fluke also never said she wanted the government to pay for her birth control. She wanted the private insurance that she paid for and was required by Georgetown U for her to have to cover it. That didn't abate the flying asshole attacks on her one bit.

It doesn't. I fully appreciate that there are men who want both sexes to shuck gender norms and be seen by society as equal. Both sexes get hurt by this rigid structure. Family court is a place where men get hurt, as they are seen as providers rather than caretakers. Yes, society would be better served if both

I watched this shitstorm on Twitter. (She's fearless when confronted with shit like this, btw.) Guys. SHE NEVER SAID 'I WANT FREE TAMPONS.' She only asked if people knew about any programs in other countries. Just asking that simple question provoked people to call her a cunt. Also, I highly recommend following

Because they have little access to anything else, unlike Americans or Brits? Especially if they aren't multi-lingual. I have friends from Moscow and other parts of Russia, and they all have similar stories of insane propaganda.

The Russian people grow a large amount of their own food in their backyards, outside the cities. This is a result of giving away small parcels of free land some decades ago. Backyard gardens make up 40% of the nation's food supply. (…)

Yeah. Given that there are only a few hundred thousand left (in Iraq at least) this seems like a pretty clear act of genocide. Also seems particularly terrible since their culture does not admit the possibility of marriage outside of the community.

If I don't seem to respond to your texts or come around anymore, don't take it personal. I finally realized I need to take care of #1 instead of always GIVING so much because I'm a genrous, loyal person, and NEVER getting anything back because some people are TAKERS. But I know GOD has a plan for me, and I have no

I actually believe this. The brides that I know who have had a very bad attitude during this important process are generally stressed because deep down they know they are making a big mistake. This goes beyond normal wedding planning stress; it's an actual uncharacteristic awful attitude/mood/hostility around anything

Will Arnet is on point. I met him twice in real life. The first was the best.

AS IF my crush on him needed to get any bigger. What a delightful story.

Well maybe one day switch days will be publicly acknowledged as an attempt to allow people to play with their gender roles and have fun, and maybe kids will pay $2 to "switch" and it'll go to a great LGBTQ organization, and educators will be educated enough to shut down bullshit, and kids will be empowered to shut it

You're totally right. Even while reading your comment my initial thought process was, "how funny! Oh man, I bet there were some great guys in dresses! Wait, that's no good..." Haha. Yeah, I'm sure the adults there thought that was harmless.

Oh for god's sake. All of our spirit days in high school were usually based on something harmless, like different decades. OMG, WEAR A POODLE SKIRT AND CAT EYE GLASSES! OMG, WEAR TIE DYE AND JOHN LENNON GLASSES! OMG, CRIMP YOUR HAIR AND WEAR GIANT SHOULDER PADS! (Of course I never participated, because angst.) In an

Personally, I like to think that if Malala Yousafzai hadn't been imprisoned and killed by the Nazis, she'd be a Belieber today.

Don't waste your breath, this person is an ignorant troll and an insensitive, homophobic assbag, by the looks of it. He will not be swayed by any amount of evidence. I know your intentions are good, and I, too, sometimes cave in and try to explain stuff to people like this, but they will just not hear it.

When I signed up for Tinder, I had to deal with the terrible realization that I just cannot fuck stupid people. I wanted fun, no strings attached stuff, but when I could barely make it through a message exchange long enough to arrange a meeting place, I knew I was doomed. I'm pretty slutty, but I still can't sleep