Great chest. Truly presidential. I think he could out-Putin Putin!
Great chest. Truly presidential. I think he could out-Putin Putin!
Oh my. Not shabby at all.
More than who funds them, I want to know why/how/who/when they’re licensed;
I wonder if his kingdom is close to Darfur?
That doesn’t even make any good goddamned sense.
Oh. Actually, good call!
How on earth are they going to cast that role?
Oh, I’m grasping? That’s rich.
I thought that these practices would subside after they were declared to constitute child abuse by the American Psychiatric Association. Alas, no. Now it’s just state-sanctioned child abuse.
I remember making parodies of tampon commercials as a kid, but I never even considered that those jokes could be of interest to a public audience rather than my little group of friends. I guess I lacked Amy’s vision!
People that starred your comments already agreed with you. Read the thread; you are not winning anyone over.
The measure [bill 623] would make it illegal for any state or local official to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple.
I’m reading your comments, not your thoughts. They are all here for everyone to read.
Fuck off Stacey.
You have convinced absolutely zero people of the legitimacy or sincerity of your gross comment and you’ve learned nothing. Congrats, asshole; you’re stubbornly still an asshole.
So the false dichotomy you want to go with is that we have to chose between being an uncaring, smug asshole, or “fake moral outrage”? You’re failing to account for the fact that some things are actually morally outrageous to folks who have empathy. Your position of fatalistic acceptance of horrific but fixable…
Are you totally unfamiliar with the #notallmen meme? Generalizations are extremely useful. In fact, we couldn’t really discuss much without them. When generalizing about a particular group of people, what’s paramount is the power dynamic of the people doing the talking and the group they’re talking about. It’s both…