
For calling you out? I don’t need one. Your attitude is smug and callous. You read a long-form article about a decade of terror and rape and violence a non-violent criminal endured in your prison system, and your reaction was to make a remark that was flippant, snarky, simple-minded and indifferent to human suffering

Can we no longer bring up fact out of fear of being judged as lacking empathy?

What makes my views extreme or ideological and yours not? Oh it’s because I disagree with you.

She isn’t even a professor yet, and has 1 middling publication to her name, so she can’t afford to let this go unaddressed.

For the fourth time,

Oh I didn’t see those. Well, they’re half true. The scale and style of the transatlantic slave trade was unprecedented, but slavery itself is not unique to Europeans. Pretty sure the Ottoman Empire also employed chattel slavery with captured Russians.

She is in a position of institutional power over them.

Not my cup of tea, but she’s certainly got a model’s proportions, and she is a painfully WASPy, All American blonde type, which seems to sell.

do you really not see the issue with referring to any group as a “problem population”? Seriously?

So how are we supposed to talk about the problems specifically caused by white men and their immunity to criticism and inability to deal with any contradictory views, if we’re not allowed to talk about them as a group, and we apologize for daring to contradict them? Although you cited it your response, you did not

Do you have empirical evidence of this?

Sorry but calling any segment of the population, no matter what class or ethnicity, is fucked up.

I didn’t see that tweet at all. The only one I saw about slavery was this;

A lack of self-awareness that great is something that only incubates in an air-tight bubble. Like, an oxygen-deprived bubble.

Er, you cannot “give up” the privilege of being a white cismale person even if you wanted to; that’s fundamental to the nature of privilege. Also, do you think someone is asking you to give up that privilege? Because I’m quite sure no one is asking you to change gender, orientation, or ethnicity.

I think there are probably others as well. It’s eye-roll and cringe inducing. Eye-cringing.

They proved her point to those who care what she has to say, but in the feeble minds of these young men, they just received an apology from a University president and professor of African American studies for saying slavery is white people’s problem. Everyone has kowtowed to their precious, delicate feelings at the

I guess this is what happens when you utter a true statement which white men don’t approve of; you end up having to apologize to them for being right. I bet these butthurt little whiners think that they “won”.

I guess that’s a fair point. Starting out rich pretty and successful doesn’t provide much impetus for developing a personality. Looking perfect and having no obstacles to overcome is in itself a huge obstacle to social/intellectual/spiritual development. Think about it; do you know anyone who is amazing who never

Don’t like that women have something to say in response? Don’t come here. Free speech works both ways yo.