I’m bad with names too, it was just the most direct offence I could point to to set up the burn. Trust me that she’s Grade A Asshole.
I’m bad with names too, it was just the most direct offence I could point to to set up the burn. Trust me that she’s Grade A Asshole.
That’s an excellent attitude to take. I know this person to be a really vicious person though, so it will take all the grace I can muster to arrive at it personally. In the meantime, I will just be polite and ignore her. Thank you for your perspective!
You know what? My brother is engaged to the sweetest girl, and he just passed a major, very difficult exam last week, while the other guy is still working at the same dead-end job he was when this happened almost a decade ago. Cosmic justice on all fronts.
Thought of another!
Ooooh, passive aggressive burn!
Mine is a burn in response to a burn.
It was about meeting each other halfway.
How vicious and stupid does a person have to be to believe that people choose to be homeless rather than work?
No offense but that state’s governance sounds like a circus.
I was thinking the opposite; if they were going to ban ALL bans, not just one’s they deemed as environmentally motivated or liberal or whatever, that seems to make common and legal sense, but this is just stupid. Can I ask a silly question: what if someone were to propose a ban on banning bans? I know it’s absurd, but…
Gee Willickers, you mean people are not clamoring to pay more money for the same product on an uglier platform?
Jeeeez. What a mess. Some people demonstrate how much they really value democracy when it it goes against them. Is it against all ordinances, or just a particular set?
It’s also incredibly stupid to berate someone under the justification that you’re a celebrity; didn’t she think that this behavior would get back to ESPN and that it would be a problem?
They didn’t have a choice to wait as long as she had a permit.
I find it hard to believe that they’ve just been waiting, biding their time, until that one day she turns up in a non-permited van.
That’s my point; I doubt these police would be going after lemonade stands at all.
I fully understand the rationale behind the laws, but as I said elsewhere, in my experience a lot of bylaws are used against the homeless rather than to protect them. I bet if you asked the hungry people she was feeding, they would prioritize eating that day over the risk that this professional chef would poison them.
Well in my opinion these laws are not being enforced for the benefit of the hungry people, but against them. A lot of bylaws are used in such a way. When we had a protest a few years ago it was the homeless who helped us navigate the municipal bylaws they were using against us.