The cynic in me wonders if that’s really their motivation; a lot of people don’t like homeless people in “their” parks.
The cynic in me wonders if that’s really their motivation; a lot of people don’t like homeless people in “their” parks.
Dumb question: why is it illegal to feed hungry people in the first place?
‘tis a mystery, but I want what he’s havin
This is always one of my favorites but it makes me sad that I will never understand what transcendental perfection those kids are celebrating. What is buddy in the middle so smugly zen about?
I think that there’s an element of self-deception going on with the people finding embedded fibers. As the article states, some are actually nerve fibers from their bodies, so they’d have to be picking pretty extensively, and ya- that would HURT. The problem as I see it with a lot of psychosomatic illnesses is that…
I wonder what the correlation is between parenting skills and Facebook bragging about those skills. I know that I’ve seen some oversharing by both good parents and parents who are full of shit deadbeats.
I kinda thought that’s what Facebook was for. I am no expert obviously, but it seemed to me that it’s 80% baby pictures and 10% each of selfies with food and conspiracy theories from people you didn’t know were crazy? Please correct me if my understanding is out of date.
She’s the funniest person I know, but she’s also why I’m not on Facebook. We’re actually in a fight right now about how judgmental she is toward people. I love her, she’s extremely capable and funny, but she’s fucking MEAN dude! It’s a coping mechanism of hers that I don’t not enjoy when she’s shredding someone I…
Ya really: maybe they’re wasting too much time on Facebook?
We can’t wait for you to get back to work—maybe you won’t have time to be on Facebook quite so much.
Well, neither are any of them. And why should we expect them to be?
I’m off to learn more about both these bad-ass ladies!
Not a Cherokee, but wouldn’t legendary Native American two-spirit Lozen serve as a tiny dose of excellent cosmic justice in this regard?
Elizabeth Cady Stanton! ECS for the win.
I’m kind of cheating with that collective “we” for rhetorical simplicity; I thought the NFL’s handling of this was fucked up from the get-go too, personally. My point was that on the whole football fans swallowed the NFL’s euphemistic and exploitative narrative wholesale and are going to swallow this redemption story…
I don’t know. I’t not that I disregard the medical model, but I’m I’m not so sure if the misfiring is really misfiring at all. Why are so many of our brains all “misfiring” so severely all of a sudden? I vacillate between regarding my depression as a medical disease and regarding it as part of a much larger cultural…
I understand why you think that showing the photo is problematic, but it is an attempt to cut through the thick, glossy bullshit of the NFL’s PR campaign about the incident. They put their narrative in her mouth and we all bought it, and continue to buy it. If showing this picture is exploitative, what do you call it…
Well, ya. That’s my point. One’s emotions have real physical manifestations. When do they go from something over which we have conscious control to something that is a physical malady that we can’t control? That’s a fuzzy line.
They actually managed to accomplish both. Impressive!