
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this man is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. I estimated his I.Q. at 110 yesterday and his self-perceived IQ at 160. Now I realize that spread is much larger than 50 points. What a fucking moron.

I know right? That’s not what editorializing means. Clearly, the problem was not that she wasn’t asking him a question, it’s that her question was too specific and difficult for him. He’s fooling nobody with that response. But it’s the patronizing tone that he takes which really gets me; apparently this is something

Is there anything more infuriating to a smart woman than being shushed and condescended to by a stupid man? That’s all I need to know about this half-witted asshole.

And the answer is: apparently not! This sort of explains the whole e-mail thing though.

Kate Andersen Brower, Author of The Residence, interviewed a number of White House staff for the book, from chefs to doormen to squeeze out as much information as she could. She found that lack of privacy is a big issue for those living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and Bill and Hillary were the most paranoid couple of

Good point. Why don’t Megan and Tig have their own show? Who the hell wouldn’t watch that?

“Feminists and others who believe in “patriarchy” and “white privilege” are the lowest of the low. They are completely racist and sexist. They disgust me.”

And the looks were VERY influential. I remember very clearly seeing flip-up glasses EVERYWHERE in my urban neighborhood, in magazines, in videos, and people even referred to them as "Dwayne Wayne glasses".

Too bad it didn’t work out because Baidoo-Blood-Dzraku is an awesome surname.

This is very true. These are two of his favorite critiques of American culture: the “feminization” and “political correctness” of discourse. Ya, because that’s the problem with modern discourse; it’s too respectful of women and points of view from minority cultures or disenfranchised groups. It’s definitely not old

Even if you didn’t know Zayn was a person of color or a Muslim, can you at least admit that when his image his shown on the show it becomes apparent that he reads as non-white?

I’m white insofar as being treated as such for the most part, but I have mixed ancestry and myself and all my siblings are less white looking than either of these guys, who do bear a resemblance to my admittedly ignorant mind.

I listen to people to the extent that I respect their intelligence and/or their opinion is sincere and different from mine, or offered from a person who has very different experience than I do. There are a lot of people who will be cynically cruel, but I find personally if you’re sincere and try to listen, people are

if Malik was some blond guy do you really believe that he would be compared to the Sandy Hook shooting?

You’ll never be able to convince the majority of commenters here otherwise though, I’ve noticed that many of them continue to insist that there’s some kind of white privilege going on if you happen to disagree with them on these type of articles.

I realize that now. Now I think it was a dig at Islam that I misheard.

It’s not just the context of Zayn’s particular experience, which someone on Bill’s team was undoubtedly aware of, it’s about how readily we associate POC with terrorism generally.

That seems overly gracious of you. You should call that out next time. Important point: I did not know that Malik was a Muslim. If you don’t know that fact, it seems as if the joke is about their similar appearances.