
First, stop talking to me like I'm stupid. Second,

"there was no legal error". That makes it so much worse. That means you can stab a woman in the vagina when she cannot legally consent and let her bleed to death, and it's legal if she is Native. This is how the rest of the world see us now, how we treat our Native women. It makes me so sick to my stomach as a

First Nations peoples certainly received a lot of "care" they didn't need or ask for.

You don't know how bodily autonomy and human rights work.

You're being an idiot.

I forgot that nobody can see my links in the grey.

This person tortured and murdered a child.

"tolerance is a two-way street,"

I thought that it was obvious. If you read about state sponsored forced sterilization in Canada, you will note that what begins as a public health program can quickly become a eugenics program, with the state deciding which types of people are allowed to breed. They end up targeting vulnerable classes of society like

I would say so, ya. What do you want to bet that the women being coerced are predominantly of color? I'm Canadian, and we have a horrific history of forced sterilization up here, as do you in the U.S.

Every time the state has sanctioned coerced sterilization, it has been abused. Every. Time.

That's not the issue; this practice of the state forcing or coercing sterilization on women is the mother of all slippery slopes. Think Everest covered in Crisco. At the top are cases such as this, at the bottom is state-sponsored genocide.

I don't even think it qualifies as a rat tail anymore. It's a pigtail or a ponytail at this point.

How sad to consider that he might be too afraid, or not trust the justice system here, but both would be understandable given his experience.

What? How can they have insufficient evidence if the man is willing to testify, if he has permanent injuries? Fuck this.

Same. The only major difference I can feel when I take a long break from marijuana (moderate to heavy user via a vaporizer) is that I remember my dreams more vividly.

Thank you for testing my gag reflex. Still works!

also "kennybeaverstine"

Haha! I could see him in that creepy-ass bar, in one of these breezy printed shirts.