
And that was in a really progressive industry in New York city. Imagine what it was like to be the the secretary pool on Main Street U.S.A.

I would star your comment but my stars are broken :(

It makes sense in drug cases, but not in violent crimes with multiple victims.

But there are more than one victim. He didn't rape the same woman in several states, they are different victims. Why shouldn't he serve time for raping all of them?

It says there are 18 comments, but all but 6 are gone, including one of mine.

I get the geography part, but I thought serving concurrent sentences means that you serve your six years for this and your 8 years for that at the same time, as in, you only serve 8 years, not 14. Do I have this all backwards?

Wolfson said the Nevada prison term would run concurrent with other sentences in other jurisdictions.

Pi Kappa Phi, which, they write, "reinforces academic pursuits, gentlemanly behavior, development of leadership, personal ethics, and offers the advantages of team effort and support."

He's totally full of shit. He is only joking in retrospect.

I love her.

So basically it's like this:

The whole 'smart mouth' thing is reinforced when people ask victims of DV what they did to cause the violence/set him off.


I fucking hate golf.

This is a succinct, and eloquent way to put it.

I will say this: unlike most of the people who pick avatars of well known characters, you have succeeded in staying true to that character. Kudos for that.

Love is quietly lifting each other, pretty much? But because of the shape of the modern world, the lifting that women do is systemically quieter, and taught to be something simultaneously more suspect, natural, and inconsequential than the ways a man lifts a woman.

he knew I understood it and he didn't. Did that make him start trusting my opinions/explanations? Nope, never. Eventually he just started getting violent when I was right about stuff. That quickly taught me to keep my mouth shut.

Did not consider...

Are you still digging? This is amazing.