
Spacey is innocent until proven guilty. That’s why he’s not in jail.

Sure, go ahead and demand proof from a victim of sexual assault from a incident 30 years ago, when they have zero to gain from lying about it.

“I don’t often sh** my pants, but when I do...”

I always thought he used the Force to make the skull hit exactly where he needed it to.

I don’t get it. Why did Luke even NEED the skull? Why didn’t he just push that button using the Force?

Porky is a nebbish everyman beset equally be the absurdity of modern life and the antics of his wacky associates.

In short - he’s the straight man and he’s awesome at it.

Nurse I’m gonna need some bactine and a Snoopy bandaid I just cut myself on this immense edge.

You are not a good person.

Technically Americans - a new subjugated class of citizens we choose to care less about because most of them look different and speak a different language. See also: Brown People.

Woke up feeling like being a dick today, eh?

I know it was a typo but I like the idea that anonymous red shirt casualty #3 was Ensign Opps, and that was Kirk’s log entry.

That is a good and interesting point. For an impactful event where Kirk lost his soulmate in a hugely personal way, the story is weirdly unimpactful going forward. The events are never mentioned again. Edith Keeler is never mentioned again. Kirk is back lip-locking with hot alien women in Season 2 with nary a care in

Serialization fixes the single worst thing about Star Trek; that nothing of significance ever happens. Every episode is wrapped up by the end and the characters come full circle.

We now live in a world where the hardest-hitting coverage of important world events comes from The Fucking Weather Channel.

Yeah, I think it looks pretty good. Clearly, io9 thinks this is a series we shouldn’t be interested in but as a fan of (most) of the comics I couldn’t be more excited.

As a longtime fan of the character, I’ve always thought some of the best Punisher story lines had very little to do with the rest of the Marvel Universe. Born, The End, The Cell, Circle of Blood*, etc.

I never thought I would say this about a Punisher show, but man, I want as many scenes with Frank Castle and Karen Page as possible. I’ve gone back and forth over the decades of being a Punisher fan or not (usually depends on who is writing him and how), and I never thought of pairing him with a character like Karen.

Considering how disdainful everyone at io9 seems for this series, I can only imagine that sad Incredible Hulk music plays whenever anyone gets an assignment on it and drags themselves morosely back to their desk.

This looks pretty awesome.