
You’re not just an “asshole” or a “shithead.” You’re evil. That’s the only word that applies. Just plain evil. You’ve been doing something horrible, for years, and you don’t care because you don’t think you’ll get caught. If you had a conscience, you’d know it doesn’t matter if she finds out or not. You know you’re

Criminals shooting people is completely different because we didn’t give those criminals authority over us with a badge and a gun “to serve and protect.” When police unlawfully shoot someone, it’s worse than a crime. It’s a betrayal of the trust we put in them. They are, obviously, to be held to a higher standard than

You’re not making yourself look any better with all this rage and intentionally misunderstanding the points others are making. Advocating that people get the help they need is not the crime against humanity you’re making it out to be.

The weirdest thing is that all they had to do was copy Marvel. Of course, that’s never a way to match them, let alone surpass them, but at least it’s proven to be a working formula. Instead, they even screwed up copying them and botched the whole thing.

That’s not what that recap said. Read the part about Nebula in the second to last paragraph. I actually really enjoyed that, and found it to be the perfectly appropriate way for it to end.

I fully agree about the translation tech. I’d always assumed that. We have some early versions of that already in development now, so that would be very old for them, and so universal that they probably wouldn’t even mention it. It’s just something everyone has. Only the audience, without the device, is hearing each

You knew full well you came here to intentionally offend, which is why you ended your OP with “And if you are offended, you might want to revisit some of your positions on things.” so you could preemptively blame those who are offended by your mud-slinging and oversimplified generalizations.

Debt is not death. A financial crisis is not death. None of these problems come close to a lack of drinking water and electricity that will actually result in a high death toll. It could use other forms of help long term, but none of those other problems were humanitarian emergencies like this is.

It’s not like Bruce Wayne, whose parents were killed by an anonymous mugger who is never found (post Crisis). Then the enemy is just “crime.” In the Punisher comics, it was an attempted mob hit, in Central Park in the middle of the day, which no longer makes much sense and is way too convenient. He would just track

I thought it was tempered by a few moments, like when Morty gave that “good and evil are only constructs” line, and Maximus looked over at the unconscious Rick covered in vomit and diarrhea and said “Rick needs to see it that way.” It explained Rick’s cynicism perfectly as a coping mechanism for his own enormous

The whole point of these live action comic movies is to somehow make the characters and stories LESS silly, not more. Reanimating the frozen head of a person who died from a rare and almost certainly non-existent genetic condition? Not only do they make stuff up that never happened in the comics, they

Because the Jedi were never supposed to be “light side.” There never was a light side. The term was never used once in the movies. The Jedi are neutral, which is why they are not allowed to form emotional attachments to others or have families. As they repeatedly teach, “light” emotions like love inevitably lead to

They released everything they promised, and more. They never initially promised single player because we came nowhere near the stretch goal, but they did it anyway because they try much too hard to please people who clearly don’t appreciate it. I’ve never encountered so many trolls in one game before, but the game

Rain and snow are weather. Desert and arctic are climates. Does that help?

The Great Barrier Reef bleached and died recently because of the rise in ocean temperature. This is not some wild hypothesis about what might happen years from now. This is happening, and has been happening for a long time now. Denying it at

What about “fans?” I definitely think they could have just said “fans” and it would have included both genders and been completely true. His fans of all kinds were indeed losing their minds watching him prove himself.

I just wanted to see him hit that salmon ladder, and I’m so glad he crushed it just the way he does on

If they’re trying to focus on actual science fiction and get back to these “roots” they keep talking about, then shouldn’t and couldn’t they pleeease go back to calling themselves SciFi?

I recall they changed it to “Syfy” because they wanted to branch out from science fiction, which did immediately burn me a bit, so if

What’s wrong with vegetables is they taste awful, they aren’t filling and I need something I can take with me to work and drink while I walk. The name was chosen to get attention, and it did. No, it’s not made of people. What kind of sick person wants to live on vegetables?

Is there a band you can insult and their fans won’t say anything? Defending something you like doesn’t seem unusual.

Maybe I missed it, but has anyone asked why he’s completely skipping the Moon? For most extinction events, people would also be safe there, it would make a much better refueling station, and the associated costs and dangers would all be greatly reduced. It’s the same project, just much cheaper, quicker and safer.

Wait, Satan? I thought Marvel only had Mephisto, to avoid that whole religious issue? Not to mention Jesus showing up. Puts the whole company in danger of becoming Chick Tracts.