
“The FBI does not and will not police ideology.”

Can’t wait to find out that the full game will delete your Windows installation.


You’re the one who said it (“allowed”) using sarcasm, not him, not me.

Even though you are being excoriated, I agree with you. Suicide is very selfish and cowardly.

no, people with crippling depression should not have children.

Straw man fallacy. He’s saying people with children shouldn’t kill themselves (if they love them, that is).

I can understand this feeling. I had a friend whose life was spiraling down until he jumped in front of a car and died. I know he was in a lot of pain but I can’t help but be pissed off at him for all the pain this caused me and others. (It doesn’t help that he was also a selfish asshole when he was alive.)

You *know* that’s not what they meant... be a little more kind, no? :-(

They are allowed to have it, but they are not allowed to kill themselves because of it without being heavily criticized. Got it?

Pretty much all suicidal people think they’re some sort of burden on everyone. They see it as freeing their loved ones so that they don’t have to worry about them or take care of them. Of course their suicide never solves those problems but in the moment that’s what they think

You do realize that suicide is not the only way to deal with depression, right? Don’t be a fuck.

Is the lowest level of depression the one where it physically embodies itself in order to help you make your children orphans? People who cannot make rational decisions could at one point. And before that point was reached they decided not to do anything about it. The woman I knew didn’t die hanging from a tree. She

Have whatever. Just don’t commit suicide while they’re minors and not expect to be excoriated after death for it. Very different sentiment. Unfortunately poor reading comprehension has yet to be recognized as a disability. Nor has the propensity for making poor attempts at sarcasm. So your wait for recognition

I was there in the courtroom to testify that their father was a hopeless and abusive drug addict and that her parents should be given custody. After I tried my best to get him cleaned up and in a state where he could do the fucking job he chose when he got someone pregnant. And failed because dope can be stronger than

He had an 11 year old child.

And R2D2 just stood there doing NOTHING

Historically, there’s a strong correlation between being able to acquire decent talent for a film, and having a budget. There’s plenty of films that turned out great on basically no budget, but two or three orders of magnitude more films that had no budget and were shit.

What you say just belies a mindset that’s too beholden to expensive gimmickry.