
It depends on the arc the whole thing takes - I’m really really hoping they keep Nebula’s role in it roughly the same as Infinity Gauntlet. If you keep the rough framework of “Thanos fights all the heroes” but have him do so to acquire the last gems rather than already having them, having him utterly trounce some

If someone were to beat the living shit out of this bitch I wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.

It was referenced in the last sentence of the article, you poopoohead!

Wiseau serious?

AOE and Buff Support.

apparently dr strange is the buffer in this raid.

At 0:22 seconds, is Doctor Strange doing a spell to amplify Tonys Iron Man Blasts?

You don’t realize how much you are being taken for a ride, I assume.

The most frequent thing that happens is, when the tax dodge is over, the company closes and un-employs all those people, leaving the city with a bunch of people going fire-sale and fleeing before the bottom completely drops out, wiping out the tax base and leading to a domino effect of economic destruction. It also

What city in the top 20 do you think needs a massive boom? Also, you massively miss the point, since without handouts Amazon would still be gracing one of those cities with their presence.

Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.

I had a Juggernaut toy as a kid back in the 80's. It was awesome.

Did somebody say, “Killer body shots?!”

you asshole, +1

I’m Ngannou argue with you.

That’s some drums-in-the-deep level referencing there.

Frank Dux also claims to have been there, and to have kicked everyone’s ass.

Boo!!! That was the slowest gentlest kick to the face, didn’t merit such an emotional reaction.