
The problem I have with Crystal Skull is that its particular brand of bonkers is inconsistent with regards to the rest of the franchise.

The governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep them in line. Fear of this fully armed and operational battle station.

That’s pretty much the perfect example of Lawful Evil if I’ve ever seen one right there...

I understand what you’re saying, BUT

Yeah, please fuck off forever. I’ve lived through catastrophic natural disasters. People need to eat and drink clean water. Christ, go jerk yourself off with Atlas Shrugged again, you wretched piece of shit.

people who did not prepare, buy supplies in advance, or evacuate

If you’re the owner of that supermarket, you’re covered by insurance and whatever goods those people don’t take are going to be a biological nightmare by the time you reopen the store. What, you thought they’d restock shelves with food that floated around in raw sewage?

If I owned the supermarket I would have insurance and I wouldn’t sell flood damaged food. What if you didn’t have the means to evacuate or prepare enough supplies for the storm?

Holy crap is this a nuclear take. Does it occur to you, oh paragon of the Free Market, that a supermarket has already written off its entire stock? If the power’s out for as long as it has been the entire damn inventory is no longer able to be sold, it would be thrown out either way. But hey someone somewhere is

Have you always been a piece of shit, or is it something you’ve worked towards?

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Rick has always been a Monster. He’s not a villain, but he shouldn’t be your hero. He’s more like a demon, or a super fucked-up god.

Why?? Fillion will make perfect Booster Gold.

Gives new meaning to the term “kicking a dead puppy”.

I’m up for more Constantine, but I do miss Zed, Chas, and Manny.

Because “light side” is a misnomer. The idea is that there’s using the Force properly, and there’s the corruption: the Dark Side. Someone else in the comments posted a good quote from Lucas on the matter.