
I really, really hoped one would be here, and I really, really never want to ever see it again. Prophecies. Please never have a "prophecy" in your damn story. It's lazy, it's EXTREMELY overused, and it almost never makes any sense. Who made the prophecy? When? How did they know what was going to happen in the future?

And wouldn't everyone just be glad that all the believers were finally gone? I would have expected everyone to celebrate, not get all sad.

I swear they superimposed a photo of Nic Cage's face onto someone else's head. The head and the face are at slightly different angles. Looks weird.

That last part was exactly what I was thinking. Really, this ability is perfect for transport, where something can be in a long, flat shape to ship it, then it folds up into it's useful form when it reaches its destination.

The simplest and most vital purpose I could think of for this is shelter, either for military

Are we not past conspiracy theories yet? How many of these paranoid delusions have been debunked, only for people to still cling to them?

There's no reason not to use them in products, when the product itself will need to be replaced within a few years anyway. They're not losing anything.

Seriously! The sad part is, it could have been good, had they not decided to randomly change almost every major thing about the Punisher and his origin. They turned the tragic story of his family's murder into a ridiculous parody. I mean, a family reunion? So they could kill every relative, no matter how distant? That

Loveline's "Germany or Florida" which was described as "All bizarre evil emanates from either Germany or Florida. Callers call in with their stories, and we guess: did it happen in Germany or Florida?

But Pinky's the one who always screws up Brain's plans. If he doesn't want to help him, he should say so instead of sabotaging his efforts, through malice or incompetence.

It's the fringes, on both sides, which seem to have grown way out of hand in the last decade or so. I'm starting to worry how much damage these anti-science fringe groups will do, but at least it should be limited to America.

No, no, you "obtain sexual gratification" by things coming OUT of there, not going IN.

No comparisons to the Crysis Nanosuit armor? I'm shocked. I love the synthetic muscle fibers under the plates, though now that they're making them out of fishing line, they probably won't be that cool shade of black.

The problem with polygraph machines is that they only really work by detecting a person's sense of guilt. All the worst criminals are the worst criminals because they don't feel guilt. Either they cannot tell right from wrong, or they just don't care. Regardless of which type of psychopath you're dealing with, a

I wasn't so much referring to the more unfortunately shaped results, but to the process itself. "Competing to survive" alone is a hideous concept. If anything was actually controlling the process, evolution would be basically a Saw movie, with God in the role of Jigsaw. Not exactly deserving of worship, to me anyway.

Can't believe how many people have left creationism. You and all the others posting here are giving me a lot of hope after reading that 42% statistic that came out recently.

I've come to call Intelligent Design "Slow Creationism." Though if any conscious thing was controlling evolution, that entity would be unthinkably cruel.

To make it clearer, Intelligent Design should really be called "Slow Creationism." That's really what it is.

You had me up until the word I hate and fear more than any other. "Re-imagining." That's less like a "reboot" and more like a "dig it up, then mutilate, mangle and desecrate its corpse." I... I miss SG-1 as much as anyone, but I don't know about this.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Professional pitchers, at least, routinely throw in the mid to upper 90s of mph, plus baseballs should soak up gas well.

Wait, do you mean "They didn't make it up to 93 mph" or "They did not survive the experiment?"

Wait, "isn't always?!" You mean "is never." I've honestly only made it through the first movie. Every time a new one comes out, I struggle through about half an hour before I completely lose interest and stop watching.

The only really offensive part is that they named the movies after a completely unrelated series of