
I always really liked the first Lawnmower Man movie. Much better than the original short story by Stephen King, though the sequel was sadly terrible. The first even had that great tagline, "God made him simple. Science made him God." Refusing to accept your own setbacks is a great lesson. It was just too bad that guy

Why doesn't transcending the human form ever have a happy ending? As if being human was an entirely positive thing. Maybe escaping the effect of emotions and hormones would make us nicer. Works on Jedi.

Yeah, I, uh... I remember pretty girls very, very well. But I tend to see them for more than a few seconds, and if the person did hand me the wrong picture, I'd probably be too embarrassed to point it out and just go along with it.

I was thinking of combining them, and reverting those states back into one big "territory" to give them the lawless frontier they seem to want to live in. Maybe statehood's not for everybody.

Because they're trying to pass it off as "alternative science," not religion. This is the nightmare sane Americans have been dealing with for... well, since we were founded by Puritan religious extremists.

And ultra-conservatives conveniently have no problem taking tax money, they're just against anyone else taking tax

Let's just lock the gate around Kentucky and declare it a "Colonial Williamsburg" type of attraction. People from around the country can watch as the population slowly degenerates back to the Dark Ages, and possibly further.

This immediately makes me think of the other recent article explaining how life cannot exist on "Super Earth" planets because the atmospheric pressure is too high. Yet it exists here, under miles of water, in the most crushing pressure possible. Clearly not an issue here. I don't get it.

Yeah, it'll be a transition, as any major change must be. Actual taxi companies and other transportation companies will start phasing these in first, and any government alternative will come much later, once the private usage has made the technology more affordable. It'll be a while, but I see the adaptation as

I don't see how cars will remain private once they're autonomous. Every car in the world will eventually become a taxi. They won't need to park, they'll just pick up the next nearest person, and eventually, they'll go to a recharging station rather than a parking lot. It's the only thing that makes sense.

To be fair, this is based entirely upon the one thing no other attempt at utopia ever had. The technology to fix our problems. History has taught us that no philosophy, ideology or system of governing can overcome the inherent problems built into our species, but through building things that are better and smarter

Yeah, that's what I don't get. Everybody's talking about whole, intact satellites, and not smaller debris or "space junk." Something smaller, moving faster is both more dangerous and harder to catch.

Because somehow, no one has listed the movie in which every line is a one-liner:

This isn't about opposing views. It's about Fact versus Fiction. They are not on the same level, and should not be treated as if they were. If it was in the context of a subjective issue, where it really was all a matter of opinion, then debate would be productive and interesting, but giving voice to delusions when

We seem to have different graphs. The world obviously gets hotter and colder at times, and it took a while of accumulating data to make it completely certain that the world is getting hotter much faster than normal and that it is a direct result of human activity. But they did, we have the information, and 99% of

And it only slowed down in 2013 in the Atlantic, of course. "Typhoon Haiyan, known as Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines, was an exceptionally powerful tropical cyclone that devastated portions of Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines, in November 8, 2013. It is the deadliest Philippine typhoon on record,[1]

Of all the horrible ways liquid oxygen would kill us at the same time, I think the exploding part is probably the most dramatic. Combined with the instant freezing, it might make us shatter like the T-1000. Hasta la vista.

"The Power Dissipation Index measures the duration and intensity (wind speed) of storms, and research has found that since the mid-1970s, there has been an increase in the energy of storms.

How is it that all the most amazing announcements I've ever heard from NASA in my life are all coming AFTER their budget was infamously slashed?

I'd guess because evolution generally takes at least hundreds of thousands of years even for small adaptations, and these climate changes are happening in decades.

99% of scientists agreeing is just not enough for you, huh? I wish I could say you'll end up hanging your head in shame, but if you can deny such obvious reality, then I imagine you can probably keep that fantasy world going forever. There are now too many hurricanes each year for our alphabet to cover, so they've