
Then it's just as wrong to hate on the alien believers. A conspiracy is a conspiracy, regardless of who or what is behind it. Some people accept the random, meaningless nature of everything, and others need to see a purpose behind it.

"Who is to say Science is not a tool that God has left behind for us?"
The same people who say Science is a tool that aliens left behind for us. It's the same thing, a conspiracy. The belief that there is a massive conspiracy behind everything, complete with a Master Plan, when really it's all random. Seeing meaning

If they bring it up for no reason in a random place, it's hilarious.

Cyborgs. Totally cyborgs. I'm ready to have a million microscopic machines operating throughout my body, making me immortal. Bring it on.

You didn't see evidence of that in the second movie? All those teenage guys running around with their shirts off, while the girls were barely seen? I remember there was a lot of talk about that influence in the movie back when it came out. I loved the first movie (but hated the ending) yet the second one just felt so

"From the man who brought you American Graffiti." Awesome. Though my favorite part had to be right at the end, when the title appeared... and then exploded. Like it was Dirk Diggler or something. It was just too awesome a name for the screen to handle, man.

From her childhood, specifically from her mother, it's clear exactly why she never learned empathy for other people, which had an enormous role in her political views. Too bad her mother never gave her the compassion she needed.

I am a little shocked that they both have Hitler mustaches. I almost never see that facial hair on anyone, even Nazis.

I have always wanted my own Frankenjesus.

By that logic, if you got enough Communion wafers together and blessed them all at once, could you rebuild Jesus? Worth a shot.

I salute your correct separation of "it's" and "its" sir. I have seen many published documents that used them incorrectly.

Yeah... alienating half of the species is not helping anything.

Good point, good point. It's more about the degree of nudity, like showing butts. They even show butts on cable now. Then boobs are second tier nudity, and full frontal crotch is that final frontier. Even HBO doesn't often go that far.

Did they ever say he was Mexican? They just say he's interesting, and that when he drinks beer, he prefers that beer. I've never heard them claim he's Mexican.

I keep expecting to see a quad-copter jetpack. Or rather, a quad-copter with a human harness. I've seen those things lift a dead ostrich, so a human must be doable. As always, I'm sure it's all about the power supply.

Huh. I was coming here just to say I want a never-ending version of the recent XCOM: Enemy Unknown, except with paranormal enemies. Ideally, it would be a licensed BPRD (Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, the Hellboy government agency) game, where you recruit, train, and equip soldiers before sending them out

I keep tirelessly searching for a murder in-the-act, hoping I can solve a year-old crime from the other side of the world.

No luck so far.

Mess with the bear, get the horns.

Wait, the comic book miniseries Dark Horse put out like... twenty years ago? I'm not the only person who knows about that?

Really, how did they get him?! That guy is busy, being in a different state every week. I hope he had fun. Man, that was unexpected. There have always been clues that he's a nerd, like the C.O.B.R.A. tattoo.