
I always thought I had OCD, but a specialist only recently diagnosed it as Teurette's Syndrome. They have a lot of overlap. I don't get the glass box so much. It's more internal. Like a constant tension that won't go away, or only for a couple seconds.

Too soon!

No way. Al Leong has been in almost every action movie ever made. I always recognize him before he gets unceremoniously killed.

Yet this is an alien. He really had no way to even begin to assume what it was capable of. Still, just wildly irresponsible.

Then there was the time in that same comic that the villain in the red jumpsuit had atomic warheads for breast implants... that might be the ultimate example.

There was no news to discuss about the sequel, other than that it comes from the original, as sequels do. Also, sequels are almost universally worse than the originals, which makes the quality of the original again relevant.

No, the best defense I keep seeing people come up with is that the movie was "pretty" which doesn't redeem anything and literally puts style over substance, which is criminal in an allegedly "profound" film like this. It's Avatar all over again, expecting expensive visuals to make up for a lack of any decent story. If

No way. Any biologist would know that there are plenty of creatures even on Earth, that small and smaller, which are still very dangerous. Snakes in general are extremely strong, often venomous, and their fangs are like syringes, able to penetrate very tough materials.

Most people should have known better, but that

Move on to what? There's a sequel to the movie coming out, so the hatred for the original is entirely relevant.

Definitely. Most of these examples were never shown to be badass, or did little to nothing to prove it. Maul fights a Jedi Master and Padawan at the same time, kills the Master, then right when he had the fight won and one more force push would send Obi Wan falling to his death, he dies like an idiot, not even

I actually always thought that was clever, when I was a kid at least, and hadn't yet realized that the aliens really should have thought of that, and that getting through space would be much tougher.

Darth Maul. Hands down.

All I could think of at the end of that episode was "We will be greeted as liberators." I didn't really think of the racial issue, just the political issue of "liberating" every city you pass by, then just wandering off afterward without filling the power vacuum you just created.

In reality, that's just the start of a

Those experiments were done, a very long time ago, because they honestly did not know what would happen. It was before the scientific process was nearly as refined and careful as it is now, and before nearly all ethical standards were put in place. Yes, all those experiments ended with horrific results, but I doubt

This has nothing to do with that. The US military is making prosthetic limbs for people who lost their arms or legs. This is for people who still have their limbs, but can't move them. And in this specific field, this is the biggest and most ambitious thing done so far.

Also, most people would do almost anything to

Wait, why is this not under the "Please God No" section?!

Using House Party on the helicopters only would have taken out the helicopters, which was the smallest fraction of Mandarin's forces. The real threat, the mutants, would still be there. They only showed one guy in one copter who was definitely a mutant. Plus, of course, the Mandarin himself would still be out there.

Extremists are dicks. That is all. Religious extremists, or atheist extremists, it doesn't really matter. If you push it on other people, you're a dick.

Though it helps make you a dick if you generalize whole groups.

Thank you! I was shocked when I didn't see a Sarlacc, and was about to post it!