The guy who forgot

“Unfortunately, much of the “resistance” seems to think the Democratic Party is separate from this, and furthermore that it’s a perfect entity incapable of error,”

I wish he had made an entire movie about the Flint water crisis, and the fact that the majority of lead pipes in America remain untested and poorly maintained. 

This. Also, people who acted like Trump could somehow never win a two-person race were always useless and should be ignored going forward, but it’s simplistic to pretend that the Comey letter and Podesta leaks didn’t happen in those last days and materially change the race.

Thing is, he also predicted that Romney would win in 2012. I’m not going to give him credit for being as accurate as a coin toss.

I think we all know the reason why everyone is freaked ojt about this.

I'd wager a guess that Eminem has never truly been an enemy of gay people, and probably has had a very minimal negative impact with anything he has said, even with an insanely large swath of impressionable followers.  Barely worth mentioning, when people like Mike Pence, Jerry Falwell, and hell, even Lindsey Graham

With the predjudice against green skin still sadly prevalent in our society, even if they do speak up nobody will take these poor women seriously.

Could you not bother to read the tweet? It seems really fucking self-explanatory.

Some dude “Why are you doing press for the move?”

Olivia “Obvious explanation”

Some dude in the comments section “why is she even talking about this?”

This shit is exhausting.

Now all I can see in my head is Predator walking into a house, and Sterling K Brown popping his head in and telling Predator to “have a seat right over there”.

See, I would have guessed that this was the result of an overworked casting director trying to juggle The Predator and To Catch A Predator and getting mixed up.

Dear Israel:

*Sticks Canadian flag in David Cronenberg. Marco Rubio is left sexually unsatisfied.*

My TV’s been doing the same thing. Any advice? Should I finally upgrade to a flat screen?

Dollhouse was awesome and i’ll fight anyone who says different. It was great, even with the terrible CGI of the series finale. Loved the story they were trying to tell and it was so much more than “Eliza Dushku plays a cheerleader this week” type of show.

And let’s not forget King Candy! That guy tried to erase someone from existence and tried to convince people she didn’t exist.

Uh, it’s actually the third time he’s played a murdering psychopath, Alex.

When right-wingers were furious Kathy Griffin was touring again despite the fact that she literally murdered the President and bathed in his blood was that she is doing stand up, and booking shows at venues is not the same thing as those venues specifically hiring her, and if you don’t like it, don’t go. Cosby raped

I haven’t heard an OF COCK joke since, oh, before the Kinjapocalypse.

I think Lauer is damaged goods forever. The allegations are too damning.

Now playing

Isbell’s wife, Amanda Shires, is also a great singer/songwriter.