The guy who forgot

I was gonna appreciate this announcement for going the sequel route instead of the full on reboot, but then they had to go and kill off Andy.

I thought the legacy of the original show was ass and sideboob.

Possible, but not nearly as lucrative.

Now playing

This is absolutely the first thing I thought of when I saw a headline with “Sipowicz” in it.

I’m trying to understand the logistics of this. They pissed out of an open subway car onto the tracks below? Did the female extras have to just squat there

“I’m not going to kill you. I’m just going to make you need the bathroom really, really bad.”

Working on his book,  “I am Not Spock Either”

This is some weak ass bullshit. The Democrats had no power. We’ve known since Kennedy retired that this was a losing battle, but it was a battle that the Democrats had to fight. They mounted as effective a campaign against Kavanaugh as could be made, and they lost, which was absolutely to be expected. This loss was

The idea that shit posting on 4chan and believing virulent versions of the prejudices that your great grandparents believed - this somehow qualifies as awakened and authentic thought?

Yeah, I had no issues with Routh and if Singer really had gone all-in on a shiny, hopeful, non-brooding Superman Routh would have been a perfect fit.

This movie gets two things right. That plane rescue sequence and casting Brandon Routh. His turn as Ray Palmer in the Arrowverse shows he has exactly the right amount of “Aw, shucks” type charisma to play the Big Blue Boy Scout but the script and direction of Returns doesn’t let him show that.

The moment in the trailer where Buster dusts himself off and leaves a dust cloud in the shape of his body in the air is where I knew this movie was for me.

So sick of those glamourpusses Steve Buscemi, John Turturro, Stephen Root, John Goodman, Tim Blake Nelson, and Tom Waits hogging the spotlight, eh? ;)

“...a whole anthology of it might drive me to drink.”

Alan Moore gets way too much hate, to be honest.

He’s a grumpy old man, yes, but the vast majority of “Alan Moore is a massive prick” stories this past decade typically involve some smug journalist wanker knocking on the door of his Northampton cottage to purposely bother him with baited questions, getting rightfully

Ooh la la, look at mister moneybags here. He buys the books, instead of just reading the library copies with the sticky pages like the rest of us.

So, genuinely curious and also kind of concerned here, is there something mentally wrong with Kanye? Like is it confirmed.

But Kanye’s publicist paid for the Wet Dream Promotional Package with the Added Exasperation upgrade.

I never thought I would say this, and I loathe everything about the Kardashian klan,  but Kim might just be too good for Kanye. She’s certainly got more money than him at this point. Keep him away for your children.