The guy who forgot

Routh is charming in the airplane rescue scene and absolutely Superman as he tells the passengers air is the the safest way to travel. I have a feeling there’s other good stuff that got left on the cutting room floor. Routh was unfortunate in that his director thought Superman is at his best working from the shadows

That was my favorite part hands down.

Funny, Don Draper usually knows better than to trade suits with Pete.


Breyfogle’s Batman art was scary and threatening, but also fun, and frequently gorgeous. His passing leaves a big hole.

Breyfogle’s Batman art was scary and threatening, but also fun, and frequently gorgeous. His passing leaves a big hole.

Of course if NBC thought they could keep Chase by firing Harmon - regardless of whether that’s a wise trade - they were wrong. He rage quit while Goldman and Donovan were in charge.

Only skimmed the article. Does he need a new rhyming dictionary?

I’ve already heard at least one actress go down that road in a Star Trek documentary.

I’ve already heard at least one actress go down that road in a Star Trek documentary.

Yeah, they’ll love her back in the Holy Land.

I’m curious how Mr. Nobody will be depicted on a visual level. Richard Case drew him as basically a stick figure which, yeah, with CGI you could swing that. But a literal recreation isn’t necessarily the best idea.

Don’t get me wrong, if I lived in Tennessee I’d definitely vote for Bredesen. That photo up top does look like Isbell and Folds are doing a “Weekend at Bernie’s”* with him, though.

Don’t get me wrong, if I lived in Tennessee I’d definitely vote for Bredesen. That photo up top does look like Isbell and Folds are doing a “Weekend at Bernie’s”* with him, though.

Ah, but if your company had hired you in full knowledge of those tweets and then fired you five years later because of a politically targeted harassment campaign, what then?

Both are somewhere in the range of OAR’s “Hey Girl”.

Moratorium on the word “iconic” plz.

I look forward to reading the preview for Sadé 2: The Sweetest Taboo.

Actually I’d argue that keeping Bobby raw and naive was the best thing they could have done, because it makes him the perfect foil to the grown up business. Sally has a turbulent youth starting very early, but by the time she’s in high school she’s got her defenses up. Bobby gets stomach aches from Betty and Henry

Does anyone under 60 still use the term “stoned”?