The guy who forgot

If no one else brought up the Cortese movie I was going to, painful as that might be. To be fair it’s not a good movie ruined by a bad lead. It’s genuinely mediocre-at-best.


With a change of vowel it would be Shart Treks, which I propose might worse.

Too hip for the room.

Apparently Shannon Purser has to always have a popular girl named Veronica as her nemesis. Ah well, guarantees work for two people.

“Canceraids”. There’s a blast from the past.

It’s a Star Trek TOS reference, but 95% of people who use the word don’t know that.

That’s a pretty thin reed. The Awl had no legal challenges - funded by Peter Thiel or otherwise - and it still went under. It’s a tough media landscape.

So why is there a picture of Richard Spencer impersonating John Waters at the top of this article?

The Creeper was one unique looking superguy I’ll tell you what.

The Creeper was one unique looking superguy I’ll tell you what.

Oh, but you have to let her introduce America to the first female Inspector Spacetime.

Yeah, but at this point I don’t blame David Lynch. I blame people who ask David Lynch questions about contemporary politics and expect a coherent answer.

Man, Nicholas Hammond, star of the short-lived live action Spider-Man TV show. Quentin brings us another blast from the past.

Someone might, and I could see that someone being BDT. Zemeckis? Not so much. But Dahl isn’t around to bitch about it this time.

I’ll do you one better and demand the rights to Some Like It Hot. No, I didn’t put any money to it, and sure, it was made ten years before I was born. But that’s no proof I wasn’t involved somewhere along the line.

I agree with you that Hotel was a lot of fun. As for Coven, it kind of fell apart but I can’t hate it since that brought me Jamie Brewer’s delightful character.

Interesting compare/contrast with the other members of DC’s “Trinity.” The big screen flicks based on Superman and Batman basically adapted the definitive comic book biographies, with little changes that either made their way into the mythos (i.e. Smallville is in Kansas) or didn’t (i.e. Joker killed Bruce’s parents.)

Would that this were the most unfortunate thing to have happened at Woodstock ‘99.

Brecht and Weill’s “Pirate Jenny” was the inspiration for the “Black Frigate” comic-within-a-comic, so a character named Pirate Jenny would fit with the thematic remix idea.