The guy who forgot

Disney cannot be seen as associating with someone who made crass jokes about pedophilia like James Gunn. If pedophilia is involved, Disney is going to utilize its A game and bring in an actual pedophile with the proper credentials (i.e. having served jail time for pedophilia) like Victor Salva. Disney can’t waste

You can practically hear the clacking of keys creating threads linking Pearl Jam to the insidious child pornography ring of the Democratic party. The party so malevolent and powerful that it controls not one, not two, but zero branches of government.

...sexual enterprise...

Dick Van Dyke is still alive...can he still do a british accent?


Beef O’Brady’s. The name alone tells me to stay away.

I really love when businesses make it super easy for me to never give them my money.

I’m shopping around a script:

I would MUCH rather watch a show that’s a story about a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world, one that explores why, exactly, she looks so sad in photographs.

I can tell the difference because of how gangster and thug the singer from Train is.

I used to get “Hey There Delilah” and “Hey Soul Sister” confused because flaccid pop songs by pasty mopes are not in my wheelhouse. But now that time has passed, I can definitely say that “Hey Soul Sister” is much, much worse. “Hey There Delilah” still sucks, though.

I still enjoy the reality of seeing a Supergirl tv show, especially when you have Benoist embodying what everyone kind of expects out of the character.

Some may question what the Russians do and don’t understand about our culture, but I’m pretty sure they have a perfect grasp of trolling. 

Perhaps the main theme of Guardians, and certainly one of the main themes of Christianity, is that redemption is possible if you change. If he had made those tweets now, I would support him being fired, even though they are ‘jokes’. They’re shitty, offensive, hurtful jokes. He also publicly apologized for them in

I had a long talk with a semi-sane close conservative friend of mine about this. He doesn’t like that Gunn was fired, but he ‘gets it’ because Roseanne. I pointed out that Gunn’s indefensible tweets were apologized for, by Gunn, back in 2012, that he’d had no relapses since then, that Disney already knew, and his cast

I’m 35 and I do, but admittedly I only got into her through a roundabout way where I liked David Bowie, discovered Lou Reed, went back to check out Velvet Underground, and then found Nico. Also, I couldn’t stand much of her work post-Factory (and honestly preferred Reed solo).

Who will replace Alex Trebek?

Dinesh D’Souza wants to be the Leni Riefenstahl of the Trump Administration, but doesn’t have a fraction of Leni Riefenstahl’s actual talent behind the camera.


The New York Daily News was not killed by a fucking market correction. Sinclair Media is not a fucking market correction. Peter fucking Thiel is not a fucking market correction. Fuck off with this “well, that’s just how it is” bullshit. This is a goddamn siege, and takes like this are how we’re losing it.