The guy who forgot

Was surprised that it hadn’t been mentioned in the comments yet. Lots of of cock though.

No, no, it’s actually a dialectical variant of Quietyous

I just hope that whoever buys it does two things:

I hope you guys find a good home, I can’t imagine facing this kind of uncertainty! Actually, now that I think about it, I can. My husband has been trying to finance a startup for almost two years. Let’s all go get drunk!

You guys better make it through this OK. Y’all were there for me when TWOP died and damn it I cannot go around looking for a new TV and movie home every ten-ish years like that.

This is all happening because Sean wouldn’t listen to King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard.

But how else would you know about all those sweet KinjaDeals?

In Russia, A.V. Club sells YOU

This would be much more exciting news if it were just The AV Club (or the Onion group) for sale. The Onion sites were nearly ruined by the Kinja integration. I’d love if an investor bought the good Onion sites and abandoned the other Kinja sites, but it looks like a package deal.

Here’s to hoping that whomever your new corporate overlords may be, they revert back to the old format for both comments and the overall site. (Kinja has had plenty of opportunity at this point to win me over, and I’m still not a fan.)

Ok, sounds good. We’ll work out the details later <reaches for checkbook...hesitates> Wait, is Kinja part of the deal too?

I bid 10,000 quatloos!

And they didn’t even buy ‘em dinner first!

Well it’s about goddamn time! Univision is fucking horrible. As soon as they bought this site, the quality took a nosedive overnight. Hopefully somebody will buy this site that actually understands what made people enjoy it so much in the first place.

I hope whomever was responsible for this format was among those let go/bought out. It’s been argued about ad nauseum but this format drives people away.

Yeah I’ve been here for a long time. After the kinjacalypse I almost left, but this was really the only website whose community I enjoyed a lot. Hopefully it gets somewhat restored to it's former glory. 

For all the A.V. Club staff. I know these are worrying and uncertain times, but it was obvious from the outside that you were getting fucked by corporate at Univision, which has been striping the site of everything that made it special and has been turning it into an empty shell. Now, you may still have an opportunity

Dump the Gawker sites, go back to the old commenting system and I'll chip in a couple grand. Who's with me?

Christ, univision fucked the shit out of you guys :(

I’d actually be on board with this if they’d really go all in on the branding.