The guy who forgot

Future Me, in a souped-up DeLorean, pays a visit to impressionable adolescent me, circa-late-’80s:

He played himself, yo. 

In this version? John Waters

This article is useless... Is Depp playing Tupac or is he playing Biggie???

Petition to replace Johnny Depp with Skeet Ulrich, who is by all accounts a much nicer person and used to look enough like him that he was called “discount Johnny Depp” but is now just how Johnny Depp should’ve aged had he not pickled himself.

I was genuinely pleased when they finally gave movie Spider-Man Ditko eyes in the latest iteration.

I think that Dr Strange panel may be Marie Severin not Ditko.

My childhood fantasies and adolescent years were much, much richer for Ditko’s contributions. Peter Parker was probably the character I most related to growing up. Dr. Strange is one of the most compellingly flawed. I guess all I can say is thank you. Hopefully he can rest in peace and take some comfort wherever he is

I never realized how much I loved Ditko’s Spiderman until now. Wow. I was a kid when I read Spiderman, but I specifically remember finding Ditko’s issues at the used book store in my little town and being fascinated with them. Damn.

I was much too young to read Ditko in his prime while that work was being released, but as a nerd son of a nerd comic-fan father, dad pointed me to his work in the old, beat up bargain bin. Particularly the Spider-Man stuff. You could still buy those for a quarter when new comics were $2-$3 a piece. 10 Ditko comics

Damn. I read a lot of his stuff when I was first getting into comics in the late 70's/early 80's and hanging out at the shop near me all day until they finally just gave me job. Ditko had style.

Rest in peace.

Even though I know that he has pretty much just been a cantankerous crank for the past several decades, this is still a loss.

Your hypothetical Chevy Chase scenario is apples-and-oranges. First, in the severity of the slur; the n-word is the apex slur, “poof” is at the lower end of its class. Cleese’s remark is also meant to conjure a specific era.

Gilliam’s remarks were bullshit. Particularly the BLT part. I lost some respect for him there. I also liked John Cleese’s response. It seemed to me to be fairly self aware. He used a mild slur to refer to his dead friend Graham Chapman to refer to homophobic discrimination, and to denounce it, not to reinforce it.

I agree, but you make it sound like everything Python ever did was Seth MacFarlane-esque racist, sexist and homophobic jokes. In fact, most of it still holds up and is pretty neutral silliness, that actually more often makes fun of stiff squares. The stuff that doesn’t hold up is at least more “Well, those were

“Hold my beer.”

I would drag my nuts through broken glass for some of that good Amy Adams.

Plan B From Outer Space