The guy who forgot

Didn’t realize Trump was South Korean.

Here’s the full joke, since you can’t be bothered to google it:

She didn’t insult her appearance at all. If you think she did that’s on you and you’re buying into what these assholes want you to believe. Her use of “perfect smoky eye” was saying that it was created from the ashes of truth burning and that was it in regards to appearance.

At least some in the political/pundit world are supporting her...

Deadspin had a great spleen-letting about Chris Clizilla (who is just the absolute worst kind of non-informational, cares more for the process of politics than the policies themselves kind of shitty editor/journalist)‘s take on Michelle Wolf’s “bullying”:

My guess is that what really stuck in the WHCA’s craw is that Wolf deigned to point out how complicit most of the people in that room were in Trump ascending to power, and how they continue to profit off of the shitshow that is his presidency while the world around them still burns (as per her closing remark—that

Nobody who actually took offense to Hillary’s ‘basket of deplorables’ comment was on the fence about who to vote for. 

She made fun of Democrats, Hillary Clinton, and the liberal media as well as Trump and conservatives. You should probably watch it before trying to critique how “mean” it was.

I had forgotten that Trump had picked Huckabee-Sanders as his surrogate to get thrown to the wolves at the Correspondents dinner while he’s off getting adulation from his base at a rally. This is exactly how good leaders inspire their subordinates. 

You say she embarrassed the WHCA. In the middle of her shtick she said something like Maybe you people should have vetted me better and then she just kept plowing on. If the WHCA people were embarrassed, that’s on them. Remember when Colbert did his thing and people were horrified? If they didn’t know what they were

Trump was roasted before, and he was present for the roast. It’s on the internet, easy to find on YouTube or whatnot. Every time he’s insulted and the camera pans to him, he looks like he’s on the verge of exploding with rage but trying to hide it with a fake smile. He can claim all he wants that it’s because of how

She wasn’t being mean, she was being truthful about horrible people.

I don’t even watch The Handmaid’s Tale and even I pretty much figured that out from context. Unfortunately we can’t really trust the AVC writers to handle that kind of thing anymore.

Apparently Sean Spicer has already come out saying that her set (which I loved) showed a fundamental misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment.

In the words of the Most(ly) Holy and Austere J. R. “Bob” Dobbs:
“Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke.”

Wolf’s point is that she behaves like Aunt Lydia, not that she looks like her. Aunt Lydia is the one who gets up in front of a crowd every episode and puts a spin on the regime’s horrible tactics.

yeah you’re not a liberal. I only heard about this because my actual liberal friends were saying how great it was. The only people calling this out are Fox News and other conservative media groups. Literally none of the headlines when googled are complaining about it not being funny except those.

This comment section is going to be a shitshow hotbed so I’m getting this out right now: Michelle Wolf is hilarious and you all should watch Nice Lady after tonight.