The guy who forgot

I always kinda thought Matt Lauer was a huge piece of shit. This all makes Curry’s tearful exit a lot more disgusting. Lauer just sat there looking smug. Fuck that guy

The 2006 Doctor Who Annual has a piece penned by RTD himself that explicitly describes ‘Genesis’ as the first strike in the Time Wars, so you’re not wrong in thinking that...

I still think that Season 24 makes a lot more sense if you look at it as Season One of the Modern Doctor Who. Apart from JNT and Langford, virtually no one from the Colin Baker was retained, and the scripts all had to be commissioned by incoming script editor Andrew Cartmel in a crashing hurry because JNT thought he

Yeah, I feel like any article about “wow, what crazy thing is Yeezy up to now!” that doesn’t include that is being disingenuous. Dude broke down in the middle of a concert and said Beyonce and Jay-Z had assassins after him. It’s pretty easy to guess how he fell down a rabbit hole of right-wing grifters and paranoiacs.

Kudos for including Joel Osteen in that list. What a scumbag. 

Yeah, and with a guy like Kanye, its this weird “big lie” thing. He wants to be seen as a genius, as this generational thinker/ creator, so what’d he do? He never stopped saying that he was a genius, a generational thinker/ creator, and that his opinion on anything really, really mattered.

Any liberal triggered by Kanye now was not really a fan, because he has never been very rational person (although clearly highly talented and intelligent). He was always like this, but didn’t high dive into his tinfoil phase until after his mother died, which I don’t believe he ever recovered from. Both Obama and JayZ

Ok, smartguy, if Kanye is an asshole, why would Kim Kardashian have married him, hmmm? Checkmate.

Guys, this is gonna sound crazy, but do you think maybe—just maybe—Kanye might be kind of an asshole?

Garbage people have always run things, more or less, but I do think we’re seeing something new(ish) in the kind of garbage people like Kanye, Adams, etc. who are emboldened by the reality of the Trump world we live in now. Fame equals importance. “Winning” means you are right. Anything that enrages your enemies is not

He now knows if God is One of Us.

Mack Moves From Smallville to Big House

Her solo career never really took off after she left Molly Hatchet.

You must not have seen the interviews with other patrons at the Starbucks. A white woman came in and used the restroom at the same time, and also didn’t buy anything. The manager seemed to have zero problem with that...

Well not with that attitude.

Allow me to second Ignatiy’s opinion on Le Petit Soldat. It gets overlooked because it lacks the experimental qualities of Godard’s other films, but as a stylish, slyly humorous political thriller, it’s tough to beat. Not to mention its condemnation of torture is as relevant as ever.

One of those things that you’d think wouldn’t need to be said, UNTIL...