The guy who forgot

“We are choosing to be about the future of cinema,”

Is space no longer a quiet place? I thought is was a vacuum where no one could even hear you scream.

For me Carrey’s one of those actors like Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, and Robin Williams where I generally prefer their dramatic work for to the comedic stuff they’re known for.

Yeah that is not a good sign, especially when the film stars a super bankable actor, but I have been waiting for this movie! It’s based on THE BEST New Yorker article.

What a superficial take on the idea of cinema Sarandos has!

...and yet the festival excluded TV movies since, uh, forever.


“Yeah, well... I’m gonna go build my own film festival, with blackjack and hookers. Oh wait, Cannes already has both those things.”

They better rush out the sequel just to make sure. Kind of like kicking dirt on a campfire after dousing it with water.

And here we all thought The Emoji Movie would be the bomb that ended his career.

I gather that being a head writer is mostly being an idea- wrangler, and a manager of the writers’ room. The writers will throw out tons of ideas, and if they bomb they’re gone (the ideas, not be writers, usually). There’s collaboration and polishing and a certain amount of democratic judging by the group as to what

I personally didn’t care for the bulk of this episode. Although that had nothing to do with Boseman, who I liked.

Are you saying America’s greatness is Null and void?

Perkins! We agree! I thought this day would never come.

Gotta admit, Alex Moffat pretty much nailed how terrifyingly insane I’d imagine the real Mark Zuckerberg is, obnoxious dabbing included.

Nothing, NOTHING, will ever top the UK Office Christmas Special.

I think he should be allowed to have this opinion, and I think other people should be allowed to say that this opinion sucks. Just my two cents.

That relationship disintegrated too, unfortunately--see my reply to Blurred Lines below.

I’d have to sue my mother if that were the case, and I’d win.

Is it too much to ask to have an recording of Daniel Stern reading the statement?