Ben Goldberg-Morse

He was smart and versatile at Liverpool under Rodgers too, but the English public was never going to give a small, black, speedy winger credit for that—they were just going to assume he was a one-dimensional glory boy. Rodgers played him on both wings and even up the center as a classic 9 in a few games, and I was

Not with that attitude you can’t. I mean, have you even seen Michael Jackson’s Black or White video?

He is Adam Gase’s autocorrected second cousin, once removed.

Los Angeles Angels oF Anaheim.

One of the things that’s super troubling about this is Maven basically saying, “the entrepreneurs get to post on Maven digital platforms” which is really fancy for “you’ll get exposure.” But, the whole myth of “exposure” is you do it long enough to catch the eye of a top level company in your industry LIKE Sports

Harden’s just worried China will start pulling passports, which would be a huge bummer for him because he really likes to travel.

Tsai is Taiwanese in name only. He’s made his fortune off Alibaba, which is fully tied into the Chinese Communist Party. 

The out of place and wrong-color 1996-2 volume is the keystone that keeps my basement and the entire universe from collapsing into itself. Sorry, it would be too dangerous to try to move it.

Sorry, just like the people in charge, I have no actual knowledge of the situation.

Ironically I found the most beautiful people work in HR, that's why I keep getting sent there. And then once I'm there I end up needing to see HR again, it's an infinite loop.

Endorsements help educate consumers, and sham endorsements short circuit that process. For example, I was once a State Farm customer, because family is important to me and it came through how important family was to the Paul twins (Chris and Cliff). But I switched to Nationwide because I value creativity, and the

“Once all of the evidence comes to light, the inescapable conclusion is that Entercom has allowed an anti-gay, bigoted, and hostile work environment to flourish, and that Entercom as well as its corporate lawyers were aware of instances of homophobia and discrimination”

After 3 weeks, Melvin Gordon tired of being a Sans Dinero Charger.

“wait! We are both gay?”

Let’s talk about the women’s best XI, too!

If Dan Marino had played hockey:

I’m genuinely torn as to whether the Patriots are Basically Good for giving otherwise decent guys a second chance, or Mostly Bad for also giving supremely talented rapists and murderers a second chance.

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Even as recently as, say, 15 or 20 years ago, the typical person didn’t read the New York Times regularly, and certainly didn’t read the opinion section regularly. And yet, you probably knew, through osmosis or whatever, that it was the paper of record, written by elites, with its opinion section being the most

Maureen Dowd: “Let me eat cake”