Ben Goldberg-Morse

Ah, the naiveté of youth. He’s walking alone at this club.

I mean sure, if the other 10 guys on the field are all committing holding penalties and the one guy left unheld is the cornerback on the opposite sideline to where you’re running, maybe.

is that Kaepernick himself has already profited from the very same move Jay-Z is using now.

Probably because he’s a conservative hack dressed in libertarian clothes trying to get black people to buy into supply-side economics, racial pseudoscience and the merit myth.

A full-strength Liverpool does not have an Arsenal and West Ham reject between the sticks, and would not have been dragged to extra time!

pig’s whistling asshole

It’s all moot, because their kid is going to root for Madrid and Ninja anyway, and probably won’t give a pig’s whistling asshole about baseball or football. 

When “keeping it Real” goes wrong.

I know a lot of people are going to be making jokes about this Werder’s physical appearance, and I just want to point out that it’s not okay to body-shame. This is true even of demographics not usually subject to body-shaming, because, if we’re being honest with ourselves, nobody likes a hypocrite. And maybe the world

Judging from his level of debt, he is definitely not that great with money. Also much harder to sell money that is tied up than you are making it seem.

No, this is poetic:

Newcastle is sitting pat, doing nothing and preparing for relegation? The hell you say.

The Ryan Fitzpatrick jokes go in the Miami Dolphins WYTS comments.

Yeah, I think that’s a good point. And like I mentioned earlier, local beat coverage is more prone to puffery, though the Bucks, like the Sixers, seem to have good, analytically-rigorous coverage.

But it’s surprising how bad some of the national coverage is. Shams is incredibly blatant with being the agents’

Kobe Fans Have Beef with Well Done Ranking

I come here for sports and this big whiny article is the final straw. I tried to contact your new ownership to let them know but I couldn’t find anything.

Gone are the days when Regal can see a guy at a PWG show and say “you need to do this and this and if you can, you’re in” like happened with Owens and Zayn. Guys with that kind of buzz would have been signed 3-4 years earlier in the current climate.

And that segued into a sick run of Philly college ball with Nelson and West at St. Joe's.   Source: '04 Fordham grad that watched them stomp us to death prior to their tourney run.

Same goes for 2008-2012. I played in summer tournaments and regular season games against guys like Rick Jackson, Scoop Jardine, the Morris twins, Dalton Pepper, Nurideen Lindsey, Rondae Hollis-Jefferson, and true OG Karon Burton who pulled a knife on his teacher before the season started in 2010.