
Maybe it’s just me, but if my parents call me at 1am needing help, I will help them. They raised me and have given me everything they could for decades, a health emergency is not the time to rub in their face that you were right and they were wrong about their health and life choices. I’m not saying don’t talk to

Oh goody, the Health Police have arrived. How about “Fuck you, you don’t know a damn thing about me ?”

You mean other than pretty much plagiarizing the peer-reviewed scientific journal Self, while forgetting to copy the part that says, “Even if you use your towel for weeks and the material is crawling with bacteria, viruses, and fungi, you probably won’t experience any negative effects health-wise.”???

“frequently insecure straight artists”

I know that the queer and furry communities have a decent enough overlap but this just seems...weird to say? There could easily be queer artists who also might, apparently, have trouble depicting ears.

I dunno. This is all so fucking stupid. I’m all for people being their true

The furries aren’t here for Lindsay Lohan’s fursona NFT”

I think the commenter was saying the author of the piece, and many of those who anonymously snark in the comments section, are being self-righteous and therefore self-serving. And that articles like this exist to feed the part of the brain that secretes self-righteousness dopamine (no, no, that’s a real thing, science

“I can’t believe Sorkin didn’t know about his behaviour! There was an article in the WSJ from 2005!” - website that has also been giving Rudin a free pass since 2005.

I love the super performative outrage. Shut the fuck up and, I don’t know, touch grass.

Villanueve was asked about Scorsese’s opinion, he didn’t bring it up himself. And his reply was, all things considered, about as milquetoast as criticism gets.

Villeneuve didn’t go on some rant — a reporter asked him a question about Scorsese’s comment on Marvel movies (a question that has no relevance to Dune) and he answered honestly. Furthermore, DV didn’t trash Marvel movies, he said (paraphrasing) too many of them have become repetitive and formulaic. Which. Is. True.

It’s also like if you like Chicken McNuggets but almost every restaurant became a McDonalds selling some variation of Chicken McNuggets... You may get a little weary of Chicken McNuggets and want a salad. 

If you enjoy a series of children’s films about men in leotards throwing shapes before a studio green screen, you should feel as though you, everything that makes up who you are, and all that you cherish in this world and beyond are under grievous and immediate threat.

“I refuse to apologize” is an even worse hot take, though. No one is personally attacking you. No one has pressured you to apologize.

The interviewer asked him a question, he gave an honest, not particularly controversial answer. Am I missing something here that I should feel triggered about?

Sir, this is a scones recipe.

Generally Nicks and Buckingham strike me as two difficult people. Two talented pains in the asses.

My name is benexclaimed and I’m going to take the word of the lady in the video (the one who said it was funny) over the, uh, perfectly sane woman in the AVClub comments writing a fan fic about burning crosses and murder because she’s absolutely mentally healthy.

So, to be clear, I need to cite countless positive interactions between black and white people or else you’re convinced they don’t exist (and yes, you implied exactly that when you criticized me for using words like “perhaps” when I said the majority of interactions weren’t life and death) but I need to “read a book”

Also, hilarious that you say I dismissed the lady with the flag as ‘ridiculous’ when all I actually said about her was ‘she thought it was funny’ (based on the evidence I mentioned above, where she indicated that she did, in fact, think it was funny). I’m dismissing you as ridiculous, roughly on par with the lady

You don’t have to explain that sometimes people complain and it’s life or death. I explained to you in my first post that far more often, perhaps 99.9999% of the time, a lady complaining is a lady complaining. The lady with the flag posted the video. Did you even watch it before you started with your silly shit? She