
Then cancel. It’s easy. Netflix is not a necessity. If it’s as bad as you say, why did 6 million more people decide they needed Netflix?

She’s the elected leader of a 150,000+ member labor union that will very likely be going on strike in less than 48 hours. Yeah, she should be home doing her job.

Personally, I’m inclined to not judge people too harshly for not immediately denouncing people who are clearly close friends in their personal lives merely because the internet hordes are baying for them to do so. Leaving aside the fact that it’s easy to forget that we only really know these people through AV Club

The best Simpson episodes are the ones where they kiss the celebrity’s ass. Everyone says their favorite episodes are Lisa Goes Gaga and The Musk Who Fell to Earth

Clinton only got 100,000 fewer votes than Obama did in 2012. The base showed up. But if the DNC wants progressives to show up, too, they need to stop leaning right to court moderates.

I totally understand holding a grudge against Sarandon, I do, it just reminds me so much of the Right’s vendetta against Jane Fonda

Clinton also didn’t do herself any favors. She made the same dumb mistake as Romney, publicly shitting on a sizeable portion of the voting population. Plus her at-best passing relationship with the truth unfortunately tended to include things that were easily rebutted. She was just a bad candidate but hey, it was her

Clinton and the DNC lost that election fair and square. Once Trump got the nom, they didn’t even try to beat him. They assumed that their victory was a foregone conclusion. They ran minimal policy ads, did little-to-no polling in the closing weeks of the election, and skipped campaigning in key swing states like

It shouldn’t be surprising that game studios owned by people in totalitarian countries where speaking out against the government is a good way to get arrested ... don’t speak out against the government. It’s kind of, tautological.

A couple things:

That’s just mean to everyone who’s ever gotten a B+ in middle school English!


I’d initially argue that your distillation - that “women are not biologically female” is in fact not a mundane position; it’s arguing that trans women aren’t women, and as such don’t fully count as women in any capacity and are a threat to cisgender women, and that’s where all of this stems from.

We always have to take these “we’re losing money with every sale” with a HUGE grain of salt. Many countries have laws that prevent companies from selling products at an unreasonable rate below cost. (Usually antitrust laws)

Northern lights in Alaska; visit a beach in California; Oktoberfest in Helen, GA; waterfalls in New Hampshire; witch tour of Salem, MA

I’m curious what they are but not so curious I need to watch a video. 

Guys, can we stop pretending to be shocked when an MCU superstar and beloved TV actor gets paid more than some lady who was fifth-billed in The Help?

Just to clarify, are you suggesting that she did not, in fact, take the most private jet trips this year, and that these bloggers are lying? Or, she actually did take the most private jet trips this year, but each of her 170+ trips was an attempt to escape this warzone you speak of, and each time she discovered,

this has always felt like one of those things that...let me see if i can figure out the best way to phrase it:

And that’s why you shouldn’t give to charity.” Is that something you find funny, Mr. Mulaney?

This is where the Trump half of the Roys as Trump/Murdoch hybrids works to the show’s detriment IMO, as it evokes the nonsense theory that Ivanka secretly cares even a little about the country.