
I’ve always wondered if filming traumatic movies is equally traumatic as the finished product. None of the atmosphere or filters or score is there during principle photography. The narrative is filmed out-of-order, normally. The actors are people standing on a set with like 87 staff & crew just outside the frame. But


Powerful and iconic and epic girlboss move wow sports illustrated

Someone else kind of touched on it already, but editing dialogue because you don’t like a fictional character’s word choice would just be a great way to get yourself replaced.

“Pants” refers to underpants/underwear in several major English dialects.

Because the character was a Manson girl and that’s how they behaved (I don’t know anything about what Tarantino did at the Oscars).

It’d be like giving him flack for forcing Christopher Walz to say anti-Semitic things in Inglorious Basterds.

I mean he was born in San Francisco but he lived in Hong Kong from 3 months to 18 years old.

Yes, he did awful, terrible things to her

And yet, in the absence of this interview, the review for this show would include some snarky comment about how the rich kids need their privilege checked this time around.

It sort of seems like this manufactured outrage is either being orchestrated in an attempt to create some kind of buzz around the film or as cover for it not performing well in either theaters or on HBO Max.

Good God man, you are completely ignorant of how race works in Latin America and you are continuing to insist that you’re right about this. There are a lot of books and papers on this, and a lot of folks here who grew up in Latin American communities, telling you you are wrong. It’s amazing. And gross. White Latinos

There’s really not much nuance needed to take down Joe Biden, he’s been a shithead on basically every issue his entire career and has done very very little to change that in the last few months. His foreign policy is worse than Obama’s, he’s essentially just continuing Trump’s whole bit in that way, FP being arguably

Yes, it’s definitely not intentional that The Root attacks Pop Culture Figure over Manufactured Outrage and AVClub Gets To Piggy-Back on That Pop Culture Link For More Outrage Clicks.

Dude, I’m somebody from the relevant population telling you you’re wrong. As long as people don’t imply I’m not Latin American because I’m white, I’m fine with being called white because it’s an accurate description.

The Root is tougher on Ellie Kemper and In The Heights than it is on Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

Jesus. Reasonable points that devolve into a trump induced meltdown.

Since apparently any response to Laserface1242 automatically vanishes (?), I just want to say that none of the posts that they quote show you defending fascists or war criminals.

I just had a look back at what this dev has done, and from a quick scan the worst of it seems to be that he supported Trump/similar right-wing politicians, and once wore a Burzum shirt (black metal guy who’s a neo-nazi). So ok he’s probably a dickhead and we’re never going to be best mates. But I’m equally

Assuming that people know why you dislike something without even hinting at it is a pretty elementary mistake for a journalist to make. I happen to remember this game coming out, and the collective disgust at the lead dev’s political opinions, so the article’s hissy tone didn’t exactly surprise me. But it’s still a

It was specifically written to feature no people of color and as few women as possible in the name of the anti-progressive definition of “historical accuracy.”