
I haven’t seen it but that’s the feeling I was getting even from the description.

I definitely interpreted that song as being more about the never-ending need for public figures to scourge themselves for past jokes and missteps, and the near religious fervor for people having completely unproblematic pasts.

Nothing wrong with confronting your old material but when you have places like the AVClub whose business model now seems to go through a celebrity’s past like a lawyer looking for anything that they did that you can hashtag and make a career destroying scandal out of, don’t you think less people will want to risk

I mean a systemic reckoning is coming, because Teigen built her brand on the shithouse Twitter bullying of the early 2010s that people dredge up constantly in recent times. A a year before she herself got, ugh, “cancelled” for doing stupid shit online, she weaponized her clout to fuck with Alison Roman’s career after

Teigen was also an adult woman who bullied a teenager, and it was pretty terrible bullying at that. Telling someone to kill themselves is despicable behavior.

She’s a multi-millionaire model, and is married to someone who is at least as rich and famous as she is.  Surely at some point we get to consider her privileged, right, even though she is a woman of color?

They got their 2000 comments on the story.  It was a success story. 

Well, I very specifically cited an example of the snake eating itself on this stupid bullshit, where the woman calling for the firing was guilty of the exact same shit herself. It’s complete nonsense. I know this might hurt to hear, but digging up tweets made by somebody as a teenager, a decade prior, doesn’t equal

Because those “expressions of anti-Asian racism” were in obscure tweets from a decade ago, weren’t ideological in nature, were plainly dug up in a bad faith attempt to smear them, she had already apologized for them before and apologized for them after and clearly didn’t still harbor the same feelings, and because if

They weren’t “unfair.”

The point, though, is that there’s exactly zero “this” for Kemper to grow from.

What jobs has Kemper lost over this? The fact that there’s been plenty of pushback against this non-story should demonstrate how little cancel culture actually exists.

I’m not one to watch Fox News or read Breitbart, so the version of “cancel culture” that looms largest in my orbit is the kind of cancel culture that the Harper’s Letter was talking about; namely people being driven out or marginalized by liberal institutions like Universities or Newspapers for holding heterodox

That is kind of the thing about these “cancel culture doesn’t exist” things... usually when people say that what they actually seem to mean is either “cancel culture does exist but it’s good actually” or “cancel culture should exist but it isn’t as effective as I want it to be.”  I think a lot of them are kind of

You write for a website (and family of websites) that just tried to paint someone as a racist because in 1999 at age 19 her parents made her go to a ball that had started allowing Black people to join an insufficient amount of time (20 years) prior to that.

After reading your absolutely horseshit comments from the other day, I just have to ask, how the fuck did you get a teaching degree with your inability to use critical thinking?

Anyone who does push back against you has to deal with a legion of various hangers-on who will rush to your aid.

Last night, musician Grimes posted a nonsensical “proposition for the communists” on TikTok. In it, she rambled on about how the widespread implementation of artificial intelligence can be utilized to quickly get the world to a state of communism, where “no one has to work,” corruption ceases to exist, and equality

“Talk show interview makes desired promotional talking points”’s concern-trolling and virtue-signalling wrapped-up in a nice, shiny package. I tend to slur my speech even when I’m sober, and with my history of drinking, it leads to a lot of, “Are you OK?” or “How you feeling?” with a grim nod.