
damn, you just got scolded by a Chia Pet.

I think you may be in over your head here and you probably have roughly a 50 IQ.

I know you were very eager to use the ‘so much for the tolerant left’ joke you stole from Twitter in like 2015, but 1) ContraPoints is pretty overtly left, so I wouldn’t chalk up harassment of them to ‘the left’ and 2) 95% of this website’s commenters are middle-of-the-road liberal dipshits (i.e. not left),

I think ContraPoints is kinda stupid, but I do love to see how little any of the little neolib dorks care about harassment if it’s somebody they don’t like. The level of hypocrisy in basically any thread like this is pretty astounding, but I can kind of forgive it because I know that 90% of the commenters are absolute

I mean, she stole his haircut. That’s about it. She obviously doesn’t look a fucking thing like Tom Cruise despite how many maniacs have said otherwise. Look at the picture at the top of this article. She looks like Tom Cruise after maybe six months in a coffin.

this whole Tig is Hot narrative is, baffling

“Think of a snarky narrative for your news piece. Whatever comes to mind first is what you write. Time spent thinking is time that could be spent writing! Those 1000 words aren’t going to churn themselves! And when you inevitably realize that your narrative doesn’t work, don’t fret, just mention how it doesn’t work,

Why even bother? There is no “Sam Barsanti.” These articles are generated by a Russian AI bot trying to undermine American confidence in our entertainment media. Yeah, there’s a little picture there, but if you look close you’ll realize it’s actual just a stolen pic of David Faustino. 

but the thing that makes this like John Wick is that it stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, an actor who doesn’t normally do action movies

Everything you just said is clearer than your original “commit yourself to the experience of survivors.”
I *AM* a survivor of sexual abuse, & I have absolutely no freaking clue what “commit yourself to the experience of survivors” means.

The logic the article uses in the “cancel culture is a myth” protest is also fantastically fallacious.
X is problematic. X hasn’t been cancelled. Therefore cancellation doesn’t exist.

The best episode of Community is no longer available on Netflix.

No matter how many times we say “cancel culture is a myth,” it doesn’t make it true. I wish we could just acknowledge that so-called cancel culture has some negative implications along with all the positive effects (accountability, etc.).

hey katie, not every question has to be ‘How are u such a wonderful feminist icon?’ and not every answer has to be ‘Wow so true girl’. hope this helps!

It’s a legitimate question. How is it determined that something has been “snubbed” rather than “not nominated”? This same article is written every Oscar season about one movie or another.

What the fuck does that even mean?

Because it’s about people being snubbed does that mean it was automatically “snubbed” if it simply doesn’t get nominated?? Was it supposed to be guaranteed a nomination because of its content??

Oh no! you’ve exposed my master plan of seducing an actress by questioning some bullshit in the comments section of a dying entertainment news sight.

We are all excited to see the AV Club transition your Presidential coverage to carrying Biden’s water. It’s a great time be be alive...

jesus no, start anywhere BUT this cringe ass vanity video. All Hail West Texas is the album to hear