
She was insufferable.

Look at this thread. Both versions of this story are filled with comments from people who want to know that she isn’t profiting from this “before they buy the game.” That’s not moral strength in the face of unacceptable behaviour. That’s whining and bitching from people with Gryffindor scarves and wands, hardcover

She’s definitely a transphobe. That being said, what are you all hoping for? Are you seriously imagining a scenario where she licenses a multi-million dollar video game of her IP and somehow not get paid? Sack up. Either you say goodbye to Hogwarts in whatever form and actually stop buying the shit, or don’t, and stop

Yeah, I’m full on tired of this saccharine meme that is played out. I love dogs! But like, this cutsey excuse for a “news story” is just exhausting. Look how big this article was. Maybe Kotaku could cover some of the MANY other games they regularly ignore just because...the staff isn’t interested in it?

The whole ironic outrage behind “can I pet the dog” just isn’t my bag, baby.

Sorry to phrase it this way, but unless your question is purely rhetorical, it borders on infantile. Even if Rowling’s fee structure doesn’t include royalties (nearly an impossibility), she was paid in some form for the license, and supporting this product financially affirms the power of the license and helps Rowling

You got me - I read a book where the main character was concerned with a notable author’s opinions. Incredible. 

Incredibly desperate reach here.

You’re an idiot.

Yeah, it’s just that most people wouldn’t even know or care what sort of opinions their favorite author for 20+ years ago might have. My shit when I was a kid was, like, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I have no idea what the creator(s) of that have gotten up to because I don’t continue to obsess over children’s

The good news:

Jeez louise, the millions of people who built an entire personality around liking a series of chidlren’s books must be having a rough one.

She didn’t change just because you hope she did, that’s not how this works. And there sure is a lot at stake here, so why delude ourselves into thinking she’s going to do something she’s not? Voting for Biden is to get Trump out of office, period. It’s not to stop climate change, it’s not to get universal healthcare,

Kamala “chose not to prosecute Steve Mnuchin for his part in the foreclosure crisis” Harris won’t do a goddamn thing to Trump. Vote for Biden/Harris if you’re in a swing state and you feel so compelled, but let’s not let these politicians write their own history when reality tells a very different story.

E3 just tweeted the story, it’s a fluff tweet. they didn’t write the damn thing. be mad at parade if anything.

Even then, it’s a fuckin ‘top 25' story. The kinda shit buzzfeed lives off of. Hardly a hard hitting opinion piece.

Concern trolling? Bot. Russia. any more of the same old empty terms a politically worn centrists throw out whenever they don't have anything to stand for? The only thing you're concerned about is maintaining the status quo and going out of your way to avoid anything to inform yourself that your side is just a center

Boyfriend Dungeon isn’t from last year, isn’t it not out yet?

“Watching this section, even from the safety of your couch, can be uncomfortable, as you know there are definitely anti-vaxxers squirming in their seats somewhere out of frame.”