

This article is hilarious. “Even if it was her playing the cue music, it’s highly unlikely Flower would be calling the shots when it comes to how long the winners were allotted for their speech.” “Highly unlikely”? You mean they don’t let the piano players produce the show on the fly?

I feel like there’s nothing they’d want more than a couple of weeks in that right wing rage cycle just to drum up some interest, but I don’t think anyone will muster up the energy to care. I’m guessing this will be one of those shows that gets canceled and subsequently disappears from the service altogether.

We have all been waiting for this queer version of Disney magic.

God damn you’re boring.

lol @ “the vast majority of movies release in 1980 were made in the 70s.” Do you really believe that this is what people mean when they talk about eras of film? Hard lines between the last year of one decade and the first of the next? You’re this dumb? But for real: a normal person’s favorite movies are not the ones

Because you need to shut the fuck up and I find you annoying.

First, shut the fuck up. Second, he literally says he thinks the 80s are just as bad even though that was the era he watched the most films in his late teens / 20s.

She might be one of the dumbest people alive. You joined the show where people sit around and stupidly talk about the news but you thought you wouldn’t have to talk politics?

Because he’s a child modeling outrage he saw online. There’s nothing inherently evil about AI art. It’s kind of a neat trick. The evil part can be the implementation - I think a checkbox to tick to opt-in makes a lot more sense and should ease basically any concerns. If there’s plagiarism or something that results in

And the other half are middle aged white guys who started saying ‘y’all’ a couple of years ago.

I don’t know about Epic specifically, but on every other platform the update was released as a free patch, so I’m guessing you just update your game.

I loved FTL as well. Into The Breach is considerably more accessible, though. I can win consistently on easy and pretty regularly on normal. Only occasionally on hard. The difference here is that every single thing is telegraphed. I’m not sure if this is true but I suspect every single game is totally winnable, not

The game is unplayable on mobile without a Netflix subscription. That said, if you’ve got a subscription it isn’t ‘free to play’ at all in the usual sense of the phrase. It’s the full game, but Netflix paid them X amount of money to bring it to mobile exclusively as part of their service. It really is good and I can’t

You’re seven years old.

Interestingly enough, literally nobody in the entire world gives a single shit about this at all.

Jesus Christ. 

But boy oh boy wouldn’t it be fun to play WEREWOLF with Jerrod Carmichael and Leonardo DiCaprio!!!!!!

It is hilarious that you are trying to paint the character of Forrest Gump as a ‘straight white dude’ archetype. 

What year is it? People are not walking around in 2022 pretending that liking Tarantino movies is ‘a personality’.