
Are you generally using dried spices for these? 

Literally only suburbanites who live 25 miles from Chicago give a shit about ketchup on hot dogs.

11 IQ


Shut up.

To be fair, this in particular is less an NFT problem and more a dumbass idiot problem. I do not feel bad for the guy who lost his $100k car in a bad racing game.

Shut up, Bob.

No it doesn’t.

Check in the mail, big guy?

I promise you that the dipshit who wrote this just copied and pasted quotes and outrage cues from wherever he found it. These are not real people.

Wait, saying that this pop tastes like space is a marketing ploy? You’ve blown this thing wide open!

I think your comments on are an amazing start!

Nope, doesn’t look like it.

Shiv is a great, great character in part because of how easily she swerved people who didn’t get the point of her or this show. There were so many people convinced in S2 that Shiv was the knight in shining armor here because she’s a shrewd #girlboss. She even fucked over the Bernie stand-in, which the wine mom

But I said I loved it! Keep it going! Some guy online says that Martin Scorcese can go fuck himself!!!

Take a look at Matthew’s post above (red panda avi) where he goes on some big “Scorsese and Villeneuve can go fuck themselves” rant. You’re not wrong that they’re outnumbered by the people saying “who cares,” though. 

lol, it is very funny to say “the mythical MCU fan that is shrieking in outrage” when there are a ton of them above this comment. I believe the zoomers call this a ‘cope’.

It is literally this. They’re very defensive because they know they like the modern equivalent of Care Bears or any number of other properties designed to move merchandise. It makes sense they like it - it is (very famously) tweaked to be as palatable to as possible to as many people as possible, but because they also

I love the super performative outrage. Shut the fuck up and, I don’t know, touch grass.

You’re incredibly brave. It takes guts to stand up and say, “I enjoy Marvel movies!” in 2021. Bravo.