Bender Bukowski

I thought old HW did too for that matter.

You’d think that after four years of being disrespected as the ineffectual successor to the divine Gipper the former CIA chief would have appreciated being presented as a righteous badass.

What is it?

I’ll take it!

...his bottle episode was last season.

Or get the rats tail from the castle of ordeals.

I mean, it would depend how you would define being a magician.

Hess flew solo into Scotland and got captured because MI6 tricked him into believing Masonic elements of Britain were willing to negotiate terms, but only if he came alone dressed as a wizard.

And much of the high command practiced Golden Dawn type rituals,

They’re mostly offal, to be honest.

Those whom fear the validity of cynicism would dismiss that assessment by labeling it as quaint.

Why do people enjoy this show?

I thought an unlikable cast only worked in comedy.

Fourteen year old me really enjoyed that video. Like at least fourteen times.

If I ever meet Kim Gordon I intend to tell her that. I presume she would be flattered.

Talking trash about Jan Werner is enough to redeem anything else.

Addressing what happened to Michael Hastings with a single page obituary then putting a Kardashian bitch on the cover pretending to sail a yacht was the most despicable thing ever.

Cool thing.

I heard him on the radio after reading the book during his divorce and it seemed like the party was over.

But then Artie Lange showed up to spend years committing suicide on the air to give new life to the program. Like a fat crack smoking Jesus.

I made it very clear that those would be two separate and distinct opinions. You didn’t read very closely, I presume.

“The only book I ever read I could have wrote: 48 Laws of Power.”

I guess revising it with a hip-hop spin might have been a good idea, if 50 cent hadn’t tried already ten years ago.

Apu doesn’t “offend” me, he “insults” me…and my community. I’m an adult with bigger things to deal with. My film was meant to tell you to go fuck yourself & discuss why I want you to go fuck yourself & how we can prevent future incidents of people wishing others “self-fuckery.”

Same thing happened with the Misfits big reunion show in NJ.

It seemed like a glorious idea up until it turned out that it was mostly seated and the standing area by the stage cost like $300. The opposite of punk, and metal too for that matter.

I want to hate it, I really do. Only check in via the occasional synopsis like this one.

And I cant deny that I am intrigued. If only because Emma Kenny checked into rehab last week, and Monaghan got into much darker business on Shameless.

If the Gallagher kids have been method acting all this time, I want a front row

Certain folks are indisputably recognizable as inflammatory all on their own.

Anytime she shows up anywhere I just pretend it is Kim having made use of the vacuum repair mans services.

“No ground troops” has been code for making use of PMC’s unencumbered by the Geneva convention or UCMJ for over a decade now. Maybe you haven’t been paying attention?