Bender Bukowski

Can’t float a galley without someone holding the whip after all.

28 so far this year in a nation of 340 thousand?

A pittance. 

You’ve opened my eyes. 

I agree completely.

Based on what I read above Obama presents the cleanup as being conducted by civilian volunteers as a sort of morality play omitting the fact that the dirty work was done by convicts.

It’s terribly disingenuous. Not sure why you’re calling me out with all this foul language instead of reserving it for the president who

Big business does not see itself as synonymous with government, quite the opposite.

There’s a lady - more or less - by the name of Ayn Rand who wrote a couple of books that helped define that presently adversarial relationship. Pity garage sales are out of vogue and season at the moment, you could pick them both up

Yeah, you found the only Trumper on the planet who subscribes to the nation. Awesome show, great job.

But feel free to go on with your enlightened defense of slavery.

“Obama writes that the federal government worked with “citizen volunteers” on the cleanup, from deploying booms around oil to monitoring the spill from the sky.”

Diane Schuler crashed on the Taconic State Parkway, which as the name implies is not a highway.

She was the stripper that worked across the street.

Morty had been stalking her well enough to know her habits. Hence the chance meeting at the coffee shop.

How did nobody get that?

I never thought the day would come when you - YOU - were the only person I agreed with on a thread.

Kind of hoping you might go in for the kill and bring up the fact the man has been caught on camera inappropriately touching children literally hundreds of times, but one can ask only so much.

Feel free to write your own headcanon, because that is all you’re gonna get save for rough draft notes from the creative team years laterr.

This is gonna be Half Life 3 all over again.


There are times when I really do regret getting myself banned from this site.

Lalo pieced together most everything if not in the desert than certainly before he came knocking. He came there for confirmation and to kill the lawyer who lied to him along with his wife before going after Fring.

But Kim reminded him


There are times when I really do regret getting myself banned from this site.

Lalo pieced together most everything if not in the desert than certainly before he came knocking. He came there for confirmation and to kill the lawyer who lied to him along with his wife before going after Fring.

But Kim reminded him that

HOLY HELL YOU GUYS I just was rewatching the episode - thirty seconds in? Mike was there at the carshop/money laundering sopt when the cousins showed up to get the loot. Incognito with his stupid hat. And not only does he walk away with his head down when they pull in, but he takes a phone out to make a call.

The Scrooge McDuck cash swim back in BBS5.

Paige is a close friend.

They can talk everything over, eat chocolate drink wine braid each others hair or whatever.

She actually liked Jimmy too, based on what she read in the transcripts during the Charles Mcgill fraud matter. And shes smart enough to know he’s guilty as sin.

“So he’s a friend of the Mexican cartel?

Awesome show, great job.

Not entirely.

Remaining at the scene of the crime after the explosion when witnesses might be taking notes? His only emotional lapse in common sense between his boyfriend getting killed in an ill conceived business offer and the day he joined in Valhalla.