The anti-cancel culture side. People keep talking about it like it’s a few old white people who want to keep saying offensive things without getting flamed on Twitter. Clearly, it isn’t.
The anti-cancel culture side. People keep talking about it like it’s a few old white people who want to keep saying offensive things without getting flamed on Twitter. Clearly, it isn’t.
The woke internet: preaching kindness while telling everyone who doesn’t stick to the script that they seem dumb.
Cleeses take is terrible but your article somehow tops it in terribleness.
Trans people are 100% entitled to the same dignity and respect as everyone else - of course. And also, that Barsanti article, like so many others, makes me want to puke in my mouth. I would never want to be forced into a conversation with someone like that. Every progressive cause has its share of reactionary…
I’m sorry. Did John Cleese just say he denies the existence of alternative gender identities? Did he openly declare that there are two sexes, dammit! And you better conform to one??
Eventually, it gets hard not to notice that pretty much everyone who has actually accomplished something is on one side of these kinds of arguments (anti cancel culture, hysterical wokeness is embarrassing and counterproductive) while the other side is, well, the kind of people who write for the AV Club, Jezebel, etc.
So “John Cleese hopes trans people are happy and that people could treat them kindly” could have also been the headline. And yet.
Very old British white guy who used to black it up in his movies has terrible opinions, is even less so.
The topic is transitioning away from trans persons per se and it is moving on to the wider topic of ‘activist bullying’ which has become so abusive that its becoming counterproductive to their respective causes. This Barstani article in particular is an example.
Yeah, sometimes this site reads like the authors built their entire lives around the idea of “kill your idols,” except their only exposure to the concept was reading “Kill Yr. Idols” off the back of a Sonic Youth album cover on their way to purchase a Green Day CD.
I was al interested in this article....then slide show.
The democrats dole out leadership roles based on fundraising ability. So take your 'purity test' bullshit and shove it your plutocrat loving ass. YOU lost the court for a generation because YOU lost to trump with your limp wrist centrist losing strategies
Ooh, is it going to walk the edgy “giant douche/turd sandwich” middle ground and argue that people who refuse to wear masks are just as bad as people who are overly pushy about telling people to wear masks?
To hell with y’all, I’m going to Alamo Drafthouse to see the new Bill and Ted movie tomorrow. You might be a king or a little street sweeper but sooner or later you’ll dance with the reaper
Mr. Exotic, is this really how you want to spend the 10 minutes you’re allowed on the computer?
So Louis CK hasn’t been completely shunned by every human on Earth? How dare they? I mean, didn’t the planet get the memo?
Have you fully vetted all of your friends, though? I mean, the whole Louis thing happened because of his fame (and Dave Becky being a jerk). Your friends, though...unless they draw water like Louis CK, I don’t think anybody’s going to care what any of your friends did in college...or on that business trip...or…
Relax. It was for the post credits stinger for the inevitable Netflix release of this...
Black comics just straight up do not give a shit about woke culture.
Wait, is Dave Chappelle allowed to be friends with people the AV Club isn't friends with?