Bender Bukowski

Maybe you should try perusing a news source that isn’t part of a corporate structure desperately hammering on the war drums?

Obama dropped 12,00o bombs on Syria in his last year in office alone.

Did you play the DLC? Burial at Sea brings the whole story full circle.

And the Minerva’s Den content for BS2 explains a good deal as well, including how Jack and later on Eleanor got repaired once they made their way to the surface.

Like MGS5 all over again. Perfect mechanics but a story that just goes off the rails at the end.

I liked what they did with the opening screen though. That was clever.

Optional sidequests redefining the narrative have been a narrative staple since videogames had narratives. Final Fantasy 3/6 did that and so did 7 later on - another game that probably ended in armageddon.

The supplementary material required to make any sense at all out of 15 is something else entirely.

And that right there would be actual whataboutism.

Who would these plenty of people be? Because I don’t see anyone else describing the attack as a textbook false flag operation in any mainstream venue other than this blankly blinking Fox News propagandist.

But I suppose it takes a real fake newsman to dig deeper for the truth about Trump’s idiotic rush to bomb the fuck

All the times you’ve watched Star Wars movies, it’s never crossed your mind even once? You’re just going to play dumb and say, “Oh, gee, no, that never occurred to me”? Give me a break. Don’t even try to tell me you’ve never wondered what Yoda’s penis looks like.

Honestly I would expect most of them to outlive the A listers.

The only other one I can think of pulling that off was Stannis, and he pulled the exact same trick with the Iron Bank whose only means of getting a return on their investment is betting on Cersei/Euron.

When Azaria tried reaching out to Kondabolu regarding his “balanced critique” he received this polite response.

People of Italian and Irish descent easily assimilated into American society thanks to them being white Christians.

When I lived in New Orleans I actually watched the staff at Popeyes get into a brawl over that.

And yes, I was the only white person there.

It’s so true.

I have plenty of racist friends from back in the day and almost all of them are deadbeat dads who receive public assistance which they consider themselves entitled to - exploiting the system with admirable skill - and spend as much time as possible inebriated.

Their mounting horror at the realization their

Just staying in character?

A friend of mine took a picture with him and I had to wonder if he was a jerk about it - in that situation I would honestly be disappointed if he wasn’t.

Mac is due to make lots of new friends though.

Or maybe we just meet the ones he already had and wasn’t telling anyone about. Either way.

They’ve probably had a RIP DeVito script queued for over a decade now...

Now playing

I mean, there are good moments all the way through the end. Just fewer and further between, sometimes episodes apart.

Can you honestly watch the fifty shades cold open from S9 - especially the stinger at the end - and say that it’s not on par with the best of the series?

With a foul mouth like that you could be the spokesperson for a generation.

This insistence that Hogg be regarded both as a brilliant wunderkind whose experience requires us all to be wholly deferential to his profane little insights yet also as a victimized child sacrosanct from criticism is an attempt to sidestep

They learned their lesson from the failures of Before Watchmen, and the few successes as well.

I thought the Moloch one was especially clever - there was really only one way he could have ended up with a bullet in his forehead not fired at close range, seated facing the wall and without a struggle.