Bender Bukowski


Is anyone else really impressed by Doomsday Clock? So much better than it has any right to be - I didn’t think I could possibly be sold on nu-Rorschach, but here we are.

The Mime and Marionette are doppelgangers of the Flying Greysons, calling it now.

Kind of digging how they decided to give her elements of Gaiman’s Death - not a ringer excactly but close, like the Mcfarlane one from that Pearl Jam video that was just different enough to call the whore of Babylon if Neil dragged him into court again.

I’m sure the temptation has been there for a long time, maybe he

Shes just a pile of bones though. Not much to find there.

That was Jason Aaron.

But yeah, it was terrible.

A great show in the first season, anyhow.

Hopefully they learned their lesson from last years disaster.

Linking to facebook is a major faux pas.

Or at least it always has been.

Because those would be things that could happen on here?

I still don’t understand why there isn’t a more concerted mass pushback and heat being brought to Disney/ABC about this.

Are you blind? It’s explicit almost as often as it’s clearly implicit.

It varies from person to person, really.

So yeah just like driving drunk.

“...but having been the apparent hegemon for over a millennia they had grown complacent, while in the shadows the Sith had been evolving into something Yoda failed to recognize looking him in the eye for years on end.”

“Fucked up badly I have, he thought to himself.”

I mean, there a worse things.

Like the young officers of the later resistance getting their own rank and file killed en masse through hubris and stupidity then congratulating each other once it became clear they were the only ones left standing.

It’s abundantly clear from reading these comments that a boycott and industry blacklist is exactly what just about everyone here would like to see happen.

Alas, nobody gives as much of a shit as you think.

Yeah, I remember seeing Chasey Lane on the Howard Stern live show on E post-retirement. Holding her girlfriends hand the entire interview like a broken frightened child.

It’s not a rule though, Jenna Jameson seems to have rallied late in the game. I would like to think a lot of them do, when they don’t end up working

If poor Debbie Gallagher had gotten smacked around like that by her grandmother she would be so much better off.

SHE, actually.

Which is certainly understandable, path of least resistance and all.

Soviets did not invent hypocrisy.

Their opponents on the other hand were more than ready to paint them as an “evil empire” to justify establishing garrisons most everywhere on the planet.

Not at all.

I’m attacking one, actually. Sinclair is what you’d call an incidental beneficiary.