She has people to answer to like any other media figurehead.
I’m sure when Hogg stumbled to remember his lines while being coached on film his benefactors had some harsh words for him as well.
She has people to answer to like any other media figurehead.
I’m sure when Hogg stumbled to remember his lines while being coached on film his benefactors had some harsh words for him as well.
Rabin’s blog would beg to differ - not necessarily about your opinion regarding my mental health, but the deterioration of this site has been well documented by many people who frequented it and left in disgust.
A few remain who found the new order agreeable, and then there are masochists like myself who check in from…
Nah, that’s just an observation and not even one focused on Ingraham.
As horrified as the state was by the deluge of 9/11 truther videos a decade ago the effort to remove them was feeble and inefficient compared to the speed with which unflattering footage of the Parkland kids is being taken down.
But youtube doesn’t…
Exactly - guidelines devised by corporate attorneys suited to the new landscape.
Whatever you say.
The roar of the lynch mob never sounded like anything but accolades to me.
He’s like what Jesus would be like if he was a Jew!
Howard’s back catalog seems to be an inventory of everyone’s dirty laundry, doesn’t it?
And people used to say he didn’t have a useful function.
Make me.
“I rephrase what I consider to be the inflammatory subtext of a statement and put it in quotes!”
This poor excuse for rhetoric is transparent and embarrassing. Way to go.
Well, if you actually watch the video - should you take the initiative to find it streaming which isn’t an easy task - you can hear a second voice telling him what to say as opposed to simply rehearsing.
Posting video on here isn’t an option so linking to fringe websites offering an inventory is the only option availible so far as citations go.
But looking it over now, those youtube links that were all live this morning have been taken down since. And all they displayed was footage of Hogg off the record, what do you…
Right around when most of the staff got replaced with entry level hacks using every one of these trash clickbait articles to push an agenda and the commentariat went from enjoying reasonable discussions to obediently going into agreeable hysterics. Just like any other website where the top comments somehow tend to shep…
And foolish people dismiss his concerns provided their own political interests are the ones utilizing mechanisms of control, then cry foul when they get handed to the opposition.
It’s a thankless task, but a worthwhile one nonetheless.
Of course something legal is happening.
When Don Imus got taken off the air every talk radio personality in America was presented with a new set of guidelines. The more popular ones have more leeway but they all were forced to make changes.
Oh my gosh.
Scroll up or down, I got so many threads going on here I dunno anymore.
Like I said, it’s all about precedent. Tactics of boycotts and corresponding harassment being utilized for nothing specific at all - as opposed to opaquely defined “hate speech” or defamation - is a disturbing and entirely new one.
He apparently does.
Pity you weren’t the one who won the lottery there.
Lawyers can’t force sponsors to stick around.