Swing and a miss.
Swing and a miss.
Praise from Caesar.
Well, a derivative off-brand version anyway. Charlemagne?
Have I ever said anything nice about you?
Check your records.
As if “old people” aren’t looking over their shoulders and guiding their every actions, feeding them scripted lines almost whenever they happen to be on camera.
Didn’t say that either.
But praising Hogg for being polite and well composed is incorrect.
Nobody said anything about crisis actors, at least I didn’t.
Young celebrities being surrounded by people seeking to exploit them with their full consent on the other hand is standard practice.
The project is ongoing, and initiatives like these set new precedents every time they succeed. Bad ones.
BB would have to put me in a joycamp for me to watch any footage of Ingraham from the pornosec.
I admit I had to look those up. But yeah, removal from public discourse is synonymous with the concept of an unperson - to be forgotten along with any beliefs espoused.
Sarcasm is a thing you should familiarize yourself with.
Harassing vendors and sponsors is not personal responsibility and free market solutions, it’s simply a different method to achieve what the politboro did back in the day through simple edict.
The fact that it’s a legal and availible means is only a convenience for…
Oh, they did. I wasn’t going to go that route since everyone here is so swift to appeal to source, but here. Get it while it’s hot.
They have no problem viciously attacking most anyone they’re directed to - labeling the entire NRA accomplices to murder for example.
Yet they themselves are sacrosanct from criticism? It wouldn’t be practical to run the most basic schoolyard game by those rules.
I’m sorry that you weren’t useful enough to get flown around the nation on private jets all expenses paid, with an entire staff onhand to utilize your marketability to it’s full potential.
Maybe in the next life, who knows.
That’s an interesting hypothesis.
I would counter that they didn’t have the resources to really compete with the ones supporting a candidate who was provided with more corporate funding than any in the history of our entire species.
Or that whatever feeble interference they might have implemented pales in comparison…
Those entrusted to give newspeak to the proles must never commit thoughtcrime or they will become unpersons.
I didn’t have to look that up. Kinja duckspeak has never left me stymied.
I mean, it’s not as if it has anything to do with him really.
The entities we know as teenage pop stars are invented and maintained by a committee of adult professionals. Any involvement with their own activities is barely cosmetic.
The same footage presenting them in an unflattering light, getting flagged and removed within minutes. Been going on for weeks now.
And must be SILENCED.
With an army of attorneys working for people with even more money informing your every action!
He uses language a lot more foul than that on the rare occassions his handlers aren’t feeding him a script.
I’d send a link but that particular one has been scrubbed from every streaming video site and social media venue around. These bold kids standing tall against a hostile world have a few allies out there, I…
So it doesn’t even take supposed defamation to justify attempts at silencing opposition now.
Things are moving in an Orwellian direction so quickly it’s difficult to keep up.