Bender Bukowski

The Office GT <<<<<< The Office SUPER!

James Spader did an exceptionally good job playing James Spader there.

Ha....tiny chickens.

They could sell T-shirts that say “Not a pedophile, just visiting to enjoy the tiny chickens.”

That is wrong on every possible level.

Ellie Kemper is generally recognized as the best thing about the later seasons aside from when she was getting dragged down bytheir disastrous choices with Ed Helms.

It only took a couple of episodes to show us that Dwight had been softened by having a family, there’s nowhere left

So do the last two seasons all over again, basically.

Why not.

Consistently and thoroughly.

He’s proactive...we’re talking about a totally outrageous paradigm.

Historically films with black leads do poorly in China, without exception.

Али́са Зиновьевна Розенбаум if you really want to be accurate.

The new owners actually reopened the famous upside down slide for a few days. It seems they do whatever they can get away with in our litigious society.

“Under New Management” in my experience generally denotes a disgraced business falsely claiming to have changed. Meaningless.


You make it sound so obscure.

Teenagers will always congregate at teenage gatherings seeking to get laid. Older people will show up as well to feast on the leftovers, or just enjoy the erotic excitement vicariously.

Why how DARE you sir!

These innovative young capitalists are going to lead our bold and thriving society into a new utopian era, and earn a tidy profit as is entirely appropriate and deserved.

A nation without firearms or violence in general, thanks to the efforts of undeveloped nations providing goods and services

1.33 million twitter followers and counting. That can’t be monetized as easily as an Instagram profile but give it time.

Ann Rand would adore these plucky young entrepreneurs.

There seems to be a good deal of shock and dismay about teenagers campaigning to have their personal liberties rescinded, something which is awfully rare and completely unprecedented in our nation.

It certainly is. Just changed their name back in 96 is all.

Big words, so dense.

It’s naive to make a fuss about something that has been commonplace for decades because you never heard about it before.

The hilarious part is that would be right around the time the AVclub devolved into nonstop moralistic sermonizing.

Progressives and conservatives have both decided to reenact the 1930's and it’s difficult to gauge if one side started it and the other followed suit or it it was a mutual decision.