Bender Bukowski

They put the dog-killing and blinding the old man off camera, or rather pulled away as it was taking place.

No great distinction really.

Uh, did you even see the film?

A Feast For Crows/A Dance With Dragons <<<<<< Game Of Thrones S4-S7

I think most people are inclined to think so.

And you think that the book did?

Ever play Quantum Break?

Coulson probably never died in the first place.

Harron’s lighter touch makes American Psycho the movie far more palatable than American Psycho the book, a fact about which Ellis has expressed no small amount of annoyance over the years.

I don’t believe this is even a little bit accurate.

Not all heroes wear black shirts.

Or that his behavior was a natural extension of the malicious indifference of the financial district in general.

I mean, other than the infamous rat chapter and where things lead with Jeanette how much got cut out really? The long passages describing popular artists as if they were exhibits at the Guggenheim? 

Almost the entire script is taken from the book more or less word per word.

Well, he told Evan what the score was.

Presumably the kid let everyone know he didn’t lose his marbles entirely. And the time travel deus ex machina is in play.

Strong words coming from one of Adam Sandler’s preferred cinematic sidekicks.

You should have stuck it out. The “End of the 80's” chapter toward the finale - it’s the best prose that BEE probably ever wrote, and puts a definitive perceptive on everything that came before it while introducing all kinds of surreal new ambiguities. The possibility is floated that Bateman is reincarnated from the

I never heard the argument made that Iraq “fixed” our economic meltdown five years after it started.

That’s new.

You must be new.

We’re all about the referential humor around here.

So it’s a show about three hookers and their mom?

So their idiotic hubris will get everyone killed, and the film ends with Michael Douglas handing out participation trophies and telling them what a great job they did?

I know.

Another partial match would be most of Cheer’s showing up on Fraser over the years.

Or Spock, Mccoy and Scotty on TNG.

Cleveland returning fits some of those qualifications.

And David E. Kellys Boston shows would swap around characters all the time.

Eh, we shall see.