The photon torpedoes. All the photon torpedoes.
The photon torpedoes. All the photon torpedoes.
Bigger Thomas <<<<<<<<< Cross Damon
It can’t be extricated from the source material.
Of course it probably will be.
I mean the cliff notes would have taken like a minute or two.
Also, my apologies if I was rude to you the other day. Liquors drunkened me.
Bigger Thomas, a young black man living in fear of a social system that seems set up from the start to force him to flounder and fail.
Somebody apparently didn’t even bother to read a proper synopsis.
Bottom line would be that shes a Marvel character who isn’t Ben Parker.
Stalinist and McCarthyism are clear antecedents. The Germans too for that matter, this whole mentality of a cultural purge and blacklisting artists who don’t toe the line.
The OP doesn’t explicitly endorse that but plenty of commentators obey the dog whistle and say what he doesn’t have the courage to.
You got this one for three and a half years.
That’s decades in comic book time. Or a month or two, depending on your perspective.
The other Thor died like three or four times between 2005 and 2015.
It’s all part of the cycle.
I don’t recall saying any such thing.
The habit of paraphrasing what is supposedly implicit in a statement as being so inflammatory to put an end to discourse is transparently disingenuous, you know.
Cathy Newman managed to make Jordan Peterson a hero to a lot of people who would have been indifferent to him that way.
Er, no.
Just yesterday I was watching the Spider-Man Homecoming movie visiting my dad and talking about how the newly diverse cast is the perfectly sensible way to depict modern NYC and refreshing after three consecutive cinematic failures.
Of course it was hit or miss. Liz and Ned worked out great, Flash not so much.…
If you believe that the function of art and culture is to instill societies morals and values rather than simply reflect them - to alter human behavior by figuratively wagging the dog by it’s tail - then I suppose so.
Most everyone on here - the staff writers certainly - would tend to agree with you. For my own part I…
See above.
Seriously. I was noting a trend, not passing judgement necessarily.
Obviously studios have been giving creators suggestions since Augustus looked over Virgil’s shoulder as he was writing the Aeneid. People who fund projects want to get what they paid for, and the mechanisms allowing them to do that have become more and…
That would be the tradition.
Game of Thrones probably wrote Sansa’s entire recent arc to accomade fans who got as bent out of shape over her wedding night as she did.
Stranger Things is inevitably going to make Eleven and Max BFF’s next season to pass the Bechdel test.
All the recent Marvel films were screened and rewritten in progress to…
Jo demoted him but he remained there as her personal assistant on-call 24/7.
So it’s not like he was catching planes back up to Scranton on the weekends.
Has anyone ever been to one of those fancy places where they have a centrifuge of water @ 34 Fahrenheit?
Takes less than a minute that way. Really neat looking too.
He got sent back down to Tallahassee, remember?
Eh - remember when Cosmo Kramer went to California and inadvertently wound up following the path of a serial killer who appeared to be based on Richard Ramirez?