Bender Bukowski

American naivete is acnowledging but not dwelling on the fact that around about a million noncombatants in the middle east have been deliberately killed in the last two decades on account they were inconvenient.

But finding the notion that just one US citizen whom actively did harm to that same military-industrial

If you look through the comments on any article about Jones you’ll find that just about everyone here is very much down that slope.

Yeah, it’s the Susan Sarandon’s of the world who shoulder the blame. The million votes Jill Stein got that weren’t even close to decisive in a single state.

Because it’s not as if you people stood by and applauded while the DNC ignored the electorate and rigged their primary to nominate the only person on earth who


See above. Or don’t, I ain’t the boss of you.

Funny you should mention Alex Jones. Because other than that “fringe socialist website” Infowars would be the only source that appears to consider the matter newsworthy, aside from Assange who retweeted it in the first place.

Oh yeah. Thats me all right.

You got my number there, buddy!

About half a dozen times. The collapse of the Federalist party early on is well known, there was a Broadway play recently that actually centered around it.

Jeffersons Republican party - later rebranded as what is presently called the Democratic one following the introduction of the popular vote - was the hegemon for

Well, yeah.

If a majorty of citizens eligible to vote don’t believe one of the two parties serves their interests at least to some degree then one of those parties usually gets dissolved and replaced.

Without spell check everyones ignorance is exposed. I never claimed to be an exception.

I would never argue that the fourth estate hasn’t for the most part traditionally served the oligarchy. One of the best things about the last year has been seeing it turn into a check/balance just the way it ought to be.

Unfortunately this isn’t going to last. Would you believe that nearly every new Democratic

Which again is certainly their perogative.

Addressed your other concerns elsewhere above. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

Twitter unfortunately is a primary news source for lots of people. Aside from that?

Private sector venues have become so intergral to communication that being removed from them isn’t all that distinctive in practice from the traditional means of silencing dissent.

And while thats perfectly legal you really might want to

I will admit I was thinking more of the legions on here applauding the prospect of anyone - Alex Jones in particular - willing to even discuss the Seth Rich business - getting removed from public discourse by any means necessary. Which that post didn’t explicitly endorse.

Fair enough.

Apologies. With the hysterical tone I couldn’t help but mistake you for a native millenial.

Bringing up “consequences” in such an opaque manner only amounts to obfuscation, not unlike the vague language used for describing exclusions in general. In the information age the medium is the message, and the new set of

If you think for a moment that it’s your or anyone elses perogative to “let” anyone say anything than you completely fail to comprehend what it means to be an American.

Astounding your schools have failed you so badly - these principals aren’t rocket science. When the rights of any citizen are attacked, it creates a

She’s used her celebrity to promote the birther, pizzagate, and Seth Rich conspiracies.

Wait, what?

DC has mostly fangirls, Marvel mostly fanboys. This is common knowledge. 

Maybe that’s a thing they’re gonna do for now on.

Or maybe they just want to try it out? They’re funny that way.

At the end of the second issue, after she tried to murder him when he was born. As an adolecent. Before starting a family as a practicing Buddhist for a few centuries.

Very different from being pure rage from the start as was previously canon. You know, those forty years Jim Starlin among others completely failed to