Bender Bukowski


This sounds a lot like the terrible origin miniseries a few years back where he was just an innocent moppet rather someone who strangled his mother with his umbilical cord.

I usually like Jason Aaron, but some villains just aren’t meant to be sympathetic. Although they did do a really good one about the young Red Skull

That Deadpool miniseries explored that hilariously too.

“She seems to have placed me in a zone...reserved for friends.”*

*Not actual quote. Or maybe it is.

Well, Petey was doing Spider things already.

A preexisting danger to himself and others. 

It’s so odd that he’s disparaged as a soulless hack when life groomed him so perfectly for his vacation.

I don’t know of any occasion - ever - when someone arrived midway through a television series and turned out to be such an asset.

Watching prior episodes the drama with Burns and his simple hubristic vanity and his quarrels with Hoolihan are nothing but quaint. Winchester actually made for an interesting antagonist

As they say, be careful what you wish for.

Most everyone here considers the second amendment a mistake or at the very least an atavism, and now we have a president whose gone so far as to say due process should be eliminated altogether where the confiscation of firearms is concerned.

Nobody appears to be particularly

And you get accused of being affiliated simply by pointing it out.

Echos of when opposing Stalin was equated with Trotskyism, or when every German who questioned lebensraum was labeled a secret Jew.

Just the state and local governement, most of the media. I think Vice sent out a reporter and a two person camera crew?

Do you really need to ask?

Seems to me he’s trying to reason with this torch wielding horde.

Clearly a waste of time.

Not sure if you noticed, but a coalition of secular conservatives nostalgic for the gilded age and social ones intent on establishing an old testament theocracy surprisingly turned out to comprise a substantial enough percentage of American voters to take control of all three branches of our governement recently.


I can’t grasp how one can use it in such a matter without referring to drugs.

Does that mean you like, dance or something? Sober?

And Pashinkos.

Crowded rooms full of neon lights, somewhere across the Pacific.

That’s cute you don’t recognize that poorly tYpeD attempt at a rejoinder only proves you still missed the point.

You ask for proof for an assertion I never made.

Can’t be done with something that never actually began.

Now look whose moving goalposts? I said explicitly right at the start that while neither was initiated - most likely - they might as well have been for all intents and purposes.

I saw the premiere at NYCC.

Krieger the Parrot is the best thing ever. You’ll see.

Cavorting with gang members is considered guilt in the eyes of the law, benefiting financially from that relationship even moreso.

These are not my goalposts.